Long range shooting the 45-70.

I've tested this out with my Marlin SS giude gun and it won't quite work. Seating it as far in as possible without trimming the case a little short won't give quite enough. The round would feed for me from the mag tube but it would not eject. The nose of the bullet would not clear the front of the ejection port so I have to take the bolt out to remove the round.

I have looked it over and I'm not positive but I think a guy could make it work just by making the ejector pin about .125 shorter so the bullet would come back a little farther before starting to kick out, just clearing the ejection port

Lonewolf full length cases with the Hornady bullets cycle through my 1886 just fine. I fired one group of 5 with 57.2 grains of H322 and got about a 2.5" group. Very happy with that. Need to fire more to confirm... may just sell the rifle too.
I'm hoping that someone can help me with a few questions about cleaning. I have a 22" 1895 JM marlin 45-70 and I'm loading it with 50.5gns of H4198 and 405grn cast performance hard cast bullets. Over a chronograph I'm getting an average of 2080fps, I've read a few posts that have said going over 2000fps will cause leading, I haven't noticed any problems with leading as of yet, only about 30 rounds down the tube so far. What is best for cleaning lead, also what is thought of using a Lewis Lead remover tool?

Thank you,
I can't say 100% it will work for lead because I haven't used it to clean such. But I can say Bore Tech eliminator has cleaned copper and powder fouling out of my barrels FAR better than anything else (even SWEETS 7.62). So I would start there!
P.S. 2080 with a 405 gr bullet is dang good.

Have you run up to seeing pressure signs with your rifle?

I pushed 350 gr up to 2230 with RL10x and saw zero pressure sign but recoil was violent...got scared to stuff anymore powder in it!
I ran a similar load of H4198 to similar velocity with the same bullet without bore leading evident, but accuracy was not the best and with that steel crescent buttplate that load was no fun at all!
P.S. 2080 with a 405 gr bullet is dang good.

Have you run up to seeing pressure signs with your rifle?

I pushed 350 gr up to 2230 with RL10x and saw zero pressure sign but recoil was violent...got scared to stuff anymore powder in it!
No I haven't gone any higher, shoots good And hurts enough!

turpintine on a TIGHT!!! patch, should sqeak as you drive it thru. Or birchwood caseys lead remover patch works wonders on lead.

Having the proper lube/bullet hardness will keep fouling to a minimum. Rooster labs used to make a HVR lube that works very well, Ive ran it to 2800 in my 7rm with no problems shooting silhouettes matches.

this will tell you more than you want to know.....

If you really get bored castboolits website has days worth of reading on lube.....
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