Long range ML!!!!

This is a .50 cal gun

I am in Lowell MI

this gun shoot sub moa out to 400 yrds! i havent shot past this yet i will get to 500 this spring.

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I just started hunting down in your neck if the woods this past late season. I shot 2 does off a farm just a few minutes from Lowell.

Where are you shooting 500yds?

Screech it is built on a NEF of H&R action.

jd338 I shoot out to 500 at sout kent gun club down in Door. they have a nice range out to 550 yrds.
Isn't IMR3031 a smokeless powder? That would be illegal here in Illinois.........................?

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Hmmmm....hang on a while longer....and you'll see 'em ban BP there as well!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
Isn't IMR3031 a smokeless powder? That would be illegal here in Illinois.........................?

Just to clarify this statement.

Illinois has a great law that states smokeless is not legal UNLESS the manufacturer says smokeless is OK in their rifles!

Savage, NULA, Bad Bull USING smokeless is perfectly legal in Illinois, but TC or Knight would not!

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