Well-Known Member
Alright guys, thanks for ignoring me; I guess it was stupid what I asked.
Nah, yur not stupid. At least I haven't heard any rumors to that affect.
I'm going to watch it on a super big screen. Maybe I'll notice some things then.
One of my problems, when glassing and watching videos, is that I focus way too much on what I expect to see, or what is being pointed out, as in the brake, and don't notice things that I don't expect.
I guess this is to say if I'm glassing for a body part of an elk, an elephant could walk through the field of view and I wouldn't even notice it.
One thing I noticed that I am pretty good at is time the impact. I was able to press stop to see initial impact on all but one of the shots. However, I got so big headed I wasn't able to repeat it to that degree of success again.