Load test 3 what do you think? UPDATED

Suggestions, as there seems to be a reoccurring something going on:

1: start today taking 20mg Celexa for 21 days and shoot again. (Works for me :D)

2: If you know of a good shooter, most probably will be your wife, let them give it a go. Don't let any stone unturned. :)

R U chronoing each shot. Maybe something like neck tension is raising it's ugly head. . .

Just thinkin':rolleyes: Which is a bad thing for me.:D

ROFL. Is my OCD and ADHD showing a little? I don't have a chrono yet, no mony for one after getting the rifle all set the way I want it. Might be neck tension, don't much about it. I'm using Hornady brass that I saved from ammo I bought, all head stamped as Hornady Match.

I have saved all my targets, and if I throw out the 200 yard target from yesterday, of the 4 others I have shot, two at 100 yards, one at 200 yards, and one at 300 yards, I get sub MOA groups on all of them with good consistency with the 45.2. I am wondering if I should stick with that for now, chrono it when I get a chrono, and work from there. my shooting season is over, so I have all 5 months till I can shoot again to obsess over it:D
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