Load development Range

I really like the way the 210's shoot, very accurate. My issue is that I have shot a half dizen deer and antelope between 300 and 700 yards and while I killed them all with chest shots, all penciled through with minimal internal damage. This appears to be contrary to many of the reports I have read. I'm running 2900FPD.
What ya shooting? 300 Win?
Hang onto the 210 VLD. I shoot it in a 300 WSM (.4 to 5. MOA) and a 300 RUM ( .1 to .3 MOA). You can burn a lot of powder trying to find something better. Tune the 210.

Its a win mag. I'd love to get it down in the .4s at most. Everything seemed to settle down a bit when I switched to retumbo so i'll keep workin at it. To see the gun go to the gun photos page and look at "my new custom smr"
I really like the way the 210's shoot, very accurate. My issue is that I have shot a half dizen deer and antelope between 300 and 700 yards and while I killed them all with chest shots, all penciled through with minimal internal damage. This appears to be contrary to many of the reports I have read. I'm running 2900FPD.

I shot a cow elk with 168 gr 284 cal bergers last year. At 300 hundred yards none of the 3 shots passed thru. However the internals in front of the diaphragm were completely liquified. That being said the animal took about 10 minutes to die. All shots were in front of the diaphragm and the heart and lungs were just gone. I was hoping to get more penetration with a 210 30 cal. Thus the new build.
I really like the way the 210's shoot, very accurate. My issue is that I have shot a half dizen deer and antelope between 300 and 700 yards and while I killed them all with chest shots, all penciled through with minimal internal damage. This appears to be contrary to many of the reports I have read. I'm running 2900FPD.

Oh No! Tell me it's no so! What's your bullet of choice then GreyFox?

I'm shooting the 210s out of a 300 RUM at 3150 with lots of .25 MOA groups at 100 and Milk jugs are dead at 700. Have a good elk tag this year with real possibilities of LR shots and was going to bank on the 210. I must fess up that my only kill with a 210VLD was (of all things) 210 yards and the black bear went right down. Did do a quick follow shot mostly to ensure it didn't get back up. Rifle was a 300 WSM. Impact velocity looks like it was 2558fps and 3050 ft-lbs. Found only one exit hole that was about a 3 inch jagged tare.

Appreciate your input. And don't mean to hijack the thread.
Oh No! Tell me it's no so! What's your bullet of choice then GreyFox? -----------
Appreciate your input. And don't mean to hijack the thread.

I do most all of my LR hunting with a 6.5x284 and shoot ELR targets with my 300WM. Decided to try the 300WM for a season a few years ago and got the results mentioned in my post. I was surprised with these results because they are not consistent with everyone elses experiences. The game I shot were all side chest shots on deer and antelope. I wrote the lack of expansion off to low resistence. I think the 210's should do fine on elk. I haven't pursued any other hunting loads since, but continue to use the 300WM for my ELR target/steel shooting with 210's and 215's with great results. For hunting, I'm hopelessly addicted to my 6.5x284, and will unlikely use the 300 again unless I decide to pursue larger game. I hunt deer(whitetails/mulies), and antelope to 1000 yards.
Its a win mag. I'd love to get it down in the .4s at most. Everything seemed to settle down a bit when I switched to retumbo so i'll keep workin at it. To see the gun go to the gun photos page and look at "my new custom smr"

I did see that rifle. Remember it. Like the red web stock and that red bolt shroud just sets it all off. Good luck with it this year.
Yeah as I was browsing all the parts I needed to put her together I found the red web stock from red hawk rifles in grand junction colorado. I had never seen that color scheme before so I decided I had to have it. then I found that ptg was making red anodized bottom metals and volt shrouds so I ordered those. When Snowy Mountain was piecing it together they found the feed lips for a standard bdl had been milled away to accept detachable box mags thus I decided to go with SMRs bottom metal that runs AI mags. I do love the reliability of the AIMags so far and I love the color.
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