Well-Known Member
You look like a Sasquatch without the fur !There are always plenty of "recommendations" out there but the one that always seems to be top of list is stand your ground, become as large as you can and yell loudly at it. Backing away is sometimes effective to give a cat a way out but this cat was in wide open spaces. I would make like Sasquatch and do my best improvisation of a Sasquatch bellow. I am sure cats have heard them and are afraid of them.....or threaten with my boot by raising it up so it could see them. But then the cat would be blocked out of sight so that wouldn't work well.
We can all say what to do but until you are looking at one ears pinned back, tail twitching and nice fangs bared we really don't know how we would react. Me personally, I would fire warning shot then two hand grip dump mag into him. I would rather lose license than life.
I would hope the hunter contacted IDFG and reported aggressive mountain lion encounter just in case someone else has to put it down there is a record of one being aggressive in that area.
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