Well-Known Member
I just picked this spot as jumping in point , not necessarily as a reply to what you have said , however, you already know that I like / use Leupolds .
I own " cheap " Leupolds and top of the line Leupolds. I could wish that Leupold had never prostituted themselves for the dollar by introducing the vx whatever series just so folks could say that they have a " Leupold "
I really think they screwed up in this matter as a Leupold should be a Leupold . I mean , we already have Bushnells , Burris, Nikons, and these are not listed in any particular order , as a matter of fact it is my opinion that Nikon is about to deliver a major as..... ahhh butt kicking to Leupold unless something changes . Furthermore , I consider this a good thing, we all tend to sit on our laurels unless challenged .
Thing is , I do not have / own any Night force scopes , so .......my lookout is flawed in that comparo , but , I do own Nikons and can vouch for their quality vs. the Leupys of the same price range( actually the Loops are a tad more ,and don't have the features of the Nikons) I plan on trying out a NXS for myself /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif fun both ways, eh !
Pretty much a ****ing match as far as I'm concerned at this point . I mean really, that many of you able to use / differentiate between these without owning all of them and doing extensive tests ?
This is not in my humble opinion /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif it is in my biased opinion and I really think that the scope vs scope vs scope thing is needing a rest , probably for a year or so, just to give time for new stuff for us to crank about /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Please , all in fun , Jim
I just picked this spot as jumping in point , not necessarily as a reply to what you have said , however, you already know that I like / use Leupolds .
I own " cheap " Leupolds and top of the line Leupolds. I could wish that Leupold had never prostituted themselves for the dollar by introducing the vx whatever series just so folks could say that they have a " Leupold "
I really think they screwed up in this matter as a Leupold should be a Leupold . I mean , we already have Bushnells , Burris, Nikons, and these are not listed in any particular order , as a matter of fact it is my opinion that Nikon is about to deliver a major as..... ahhh butt kicking to Leupold unless something changes . Furthermore , I consider this a good thing, we all tend to sit on our laurels unless challenged .
Thing is , I do not have / own any Night force scopes , so .......my lookout is flawed in that comparo , but , I do own Nikons and can vouch for their quality vs. the Leupys of the same price range( actually the Loops are a tad more ,and don't have the features of the Nikons) I plan on trying out a NXS for myself /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif fun both ways, eh !
Pretty much a ****ing match as far as I'm concerned at this point . I mean really, that many of you able to use / differentiate between these without owning all of them and doing extensive tests ?
This is not in my humble opinion /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif it is in my biased opinion and I really think that the scope vs scope vs scope thing is needing a rest , probably for a year or so, just to give time for new stuff for us to crank about /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Please , all in fun , Jim