Leupold=China Junk!

Is it possible while traveling your scope could have been damaged. Did you fly or drive. I'm not trying to give you a hard time but how much did you use it at home. And did it track and zero good there. I have used several of the higher end Leupolds with out problems and they have always tracked good, as well as several friends. Not trying to offend you just trying to figure out why it suddenly went bad.
Zeroed at home on bench, went in pelican case , drove here, no offense taken, leupold just putting profits ahead of product , I baby my scoped and know when it is a me issue or a scope issue
Anyone want to buy a 6 month old, only hunted once Leupold VXIII 3.5-10 50 cheap pm:D[/QUOTE]

How much do you want for the scope?

By the way, how many guys on here use an Iphone, Ipad, Itouch...? It's the same scenario.
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Seems like you contribute to the problem you're complaining about..
When you pinch nickels to buy cheaper scopes in anyone's lineup, have you considered how the company managed to supply a scope with as much in materials and design as their most expensive models -but cheap enough for you?

For a moment look at it from a scopemaker's perspective.
They have excellent scopes for ~$1500, that are referred to as junk by the $3000 scope buying mob(though diddly squat in market). But they see clearly the vast market of rednecks who buy their scopes at Walmarts.
Would quality even be recognized in this market? What are they putting scopes on? Do their guns even warrant higher quality scopes?
No, the majority of em are putting a BSA on an SKS(or other chinese junk). And they're buying them from Walmart(100% red communist chinese).
Then there is the reality that the chinese copy everything like the BORG, and whether Leupold accepts lower profits selling scopes to rednecks -cheaper, or not, the chinese will fill the shelves with Leupold counterfeits(while our gov't looks the other way).

These scopemakers in the US have to keep the lights on. So they struggle to sell YOU scopes in YOUR price range regardless of what it takes to make great scopes. Still, at least offering a flagship scope in their lineup, just because that's really what they want to be rewarded for.
Only that goes un-rewarded..

What is Leupold's flagship scope? The Mk4, right?
Why didn't you reward their best? Did you spend so much to hunt that you couldn't afford a good enough scope to do it with? What other equipment compromises show up on your hunts?
Did you buy cheaper guns and cheaper rangefinding and cheaper binos also?
What kind of load development, ballistic solving, and other logistical efforts have you put into your hunting -with CDS dials?

It burns my hide that our gov't has thrown us(like chum) to communist sharks. I wanna see every friggin Walmart burned to the ground.
But our culture needs to change, before we'll pull ourselves out of this hole.
We have to stop rewarding copys, counterfeits, and market dividing of quality/original innovations.
Don't buy Caldwell's COPY of Harris bipods.. Don't buy Hornady's copy of all they lay their eyes on..
Instead, save up & support the many GOOD company's -best efforts.

When you angrily declare support of other cheap/wannabe scopes to solve this, you're only perpetuating what put you in this position to begin with.
Just sayin
It is unfortunate that more and more companies are sourcing and manufacturing in China. Once a company get into big volume, high market share, and stiff competition, product cost can take a front seat in the company's operating plan. I live in this world. China is a world of difference compared to Japan and not all, but many of the eastern Europen countries. Unless a company is extremely astute, cheap unskilled labor, unstable management, corruption, and no intellectual property protection can lead to a dead end street. Unfortunately, companies can easily get addicted to the drug of low cost. Many start out in China sourcing a single component, but many times expands to sub- assembly, then complete manufacture. The band aid is usually a beefed up QC department to catch the issues, and/or a beefed up service organization to clean up the crap that shows up in the customer base. It's easy to blame the buying public, or our government's totally screwed up trade policy, but there is only one person that is to be held accountable for a company's actions.....the CEO.

It would be totally unfair to assume Leupold has fallen into this trap. I hope not. They are an icon in the shooting industry.

I had no idea Leupold was using Chinese glass. I personally would not buy a scope with Chinese content, if I knew. When I started shooting long range I found that I was better served by other brands. I have had more problems then I would have expected with my Leupolds, even my Mark 4's. I have had excellent performamce with Nightforce and Huskemaw and now use them exclusively for my LR hunting and
Does anybody know if Leupold glass was always made in China? Were Leupold products at one time made here?


at one time Leupold glass was ground and coated by the same folks that did the glass for Canon cameras in Japan. I think Canon moved that to a cheaper place in Asia a few years back. To the best of my knowledge they never ground glass over here
I will have to say, if it were me ( a college kid that dont have any money as it is :D), and I had payed as much as you did for that Loopy, Id be pretty **** mad too.. If indeed the scope is at fault. I dont blame you a bit.
Geopolitics aside. at some point it comes down to "does it work", as advertised. I went to Leupold's site, and saw statements like "legendary ruggedness", and the founders philosophy "The customer deserves a square deal".
I didn't see, "limited to our flagship models", "if we sell you a lemon we'll fix it", "we no longer consider hunting normal use".
Leupold has been sailing on it's hard earned reputation for awhile, a lot of us are tactile learners and unless it's happened to us sometimes don't believe something. Well Dalebow you aren't alone I've been there too.
My problem is I've seen Leupold at it's best, and worst, and somedays I'm not sure where it balances.
I've had really good experiences with the Mark 4's. Will I buy another one? Yes. Will I do it with the unbridled enthusiasm I used to? No! Will I recommend others buy Leupold like I used to? No? Will I buy a used one cheap knowing Leupold will take care of me? No!
Is anyone from Leupold out there listening?........................Quiet ain't it.
Leupold is Leupold, they have more glass on more rifles than any other manufacture. Some of their glass is sourced from China, but then again so are many mid level scopes this includes the ones that are assembled in Japan. China has the ability to produce more ground optics and optics glass then any body else so they will sometimes fill the demand for Leupold and other's when the Japan plants cannot. Look at Stenier and Minox, both Germany companies who have a lot of their products made in Japan and even their lower end stuff in China. I am not a Leupold fan and avoid them only because I think there is glass that is just as good if not better for the money and many company's have stepped up their CS and warranty so if you do get a lemon you are covered.

I just hate to see someone bash a product for a bogus reason. The glass may have came from China, but that is not what the problem was. I HATE China as much as the next Red Blooded American does and will go out of my way to avoid buying things produced over there but the fact of the matter is not one of us does not have something right now in their home that does not come from CHINA...

In my life so far I've bought 6 Mk4s and none had any problems at all. They functioned perfectly.
I've had 4 NF NXS, and one had a glass bedding issue, but NF fixed fast and I'm happy so far.
But I didn't buy any of them for 'glass quality' and didn't realize anyone would do so.
I can't think of a scope with asian glass that matches quality of european glass, if that's all you care about.
There is a lot more to scopes than glass though, as OP will eventually understand.

Good scopes have always been 'relatively' expensive. Today, anything under $1500 should be considered only with suspicion. If that's too expensive for you, then 30yrs ago $750 was too expensive, and nothing has changed.
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