Lets beat this horse one more time

The more I think about thisnthe more I'm thinking 30-378. I can buy thebrifle for what the action for the custom will cost me basicly. I can always rebarrel the weatherby later. Who does rebarreling on weatherby actions? I also already have the dies and 200of the 230 bergers. I guess I'll just have to try it and id it dont work I can have it made into a custom. A mark v action in a McMillan A5 would be pretty sweet in a custom barreled rig. I dont see as I can really lose on this deal. At least not more than I usually lose. Ha ha
Just adding to this discussion between the 30-378 and the 338 Lapua....here's a couple screen shots of my known 30-378 load with the 230OTM against that I hope to achieve at 2850fps with the Berger 300gr 338 bullet out of my pending lapua. The Wby is flatter across the board (what's a few more clicks anyway) and will shoot inside the 338 to 1000 yds then the 338 starts to shine!!

The A5 is an excellent platform for the Wby mkV action here's a shot of mine


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