Let’s play Long-ish range shooting monthly Challenge


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2014
Alberta ,Canada
Let's make a thread starting with A different Cold bore shot each month, example January 1 shot cold bore free standing 100 yards next month we will pick a different yardage and position
( current and not old pics )

Not many rules just be honest and shoot 1 shot cold bore in stated position , state weather conditions , rifles specs and cartridge and load data, shoot and post as many cartridges and rifles as you would like. NO BENCHES ,FIELD POSITIONS ONLY which will be selected monthly and will include bipod , tripod , lay down , no practise shots.
PLEASE MEASURE DISTANCE FROM POINT OF AIM TO IMPACT with each rifle you choose to enter so we can pick a winner each month.
Unfortunately due to weather conditions I can not post pictures first because it's cold AF up here in Canada as well as many other places. Just post as you can and we will gain 100 yards each month till we reach a desired Distance you guys decide on !!

Don't make me play this by myself🤣
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Let's make a thread starting with your 300 yard 3 shot groups ( current and not old pics )

Not many rules just be honest and shoot 3 shot group , state weather conditions , rifles specs and cartridge and load data, shoot and post as many cartridges and rifles as you would like.
Unfortunately due to weather conditions I can not post pictures first because it's cold AF up here in Canada as well as many other places. Just post as you can and we will gain 100 yards each month till we reach a desired Distance you guys decide on !!

Don't make me play this by myself🤣

This should be interesting and educational……the shooters may become the most educated!😉

Can I assume that benches are not allowed…..and the shooting should replicate "hunting" and would be from typical "in field" stabilizing aides. And should those aides be listed…..example: prone, shooting sticks, bipod, tripod, ect. ? memtb
This should be interesting and educational……the shooters may become the most educated!😉

Can I assume that benches are not allowed…..and the shooting should replicate "hunting" and would be from typical "in field" stabilizing aides. And should those aides be listed…..example: prone, shooting sticks, bipod, tripod, ect. memtb
Off hand with a mirror and the winner gets a New Rifle!
Let's make a thread starting with your 300 yard 3 shot groups ( current and not old pics )

Not many rules just be honest and shoot 3 shot group , state weather conditions , rifles specs and cartridge and load data, shoot and post as many cartridges and rifles as you would like.
Unfortunately due to weather conditions I can not post pictures first because it's cold AF up here in Canada as well as many other places. Just post as you can and we will gain 100 yards each month till we reach a desired Distance you guys decide on !!

Don't make me play this by myself🤣
Sounds like a good idea. We have a PRS Range so can shoot off of PRS stations. Unfortunately it's cold now and may be going in for spinal cord surgery again. Just had the MRI done yesterday and need some more xrays done in a few days.
Sounds like a good idea. We have a PRS Range so can shoot off of PRS stations. Unfortunately it's cold now and may be going in for spinal cord surgery again. Just had the MRI done yesterday and need some more xrays done in a few days.
Prays for you on the surgery. Brother in law just had a nasty neck surgery and I think they used every staple in Florida closing him up.

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