Leopold mark5 HD or Vx6Hd

  • Thread starter Deleted member 25294
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It is not bad,lot times can spot hits.It is 8 3/4 scoped and 9 3/4 loaded,sling,atlas.Has March 3-24x52.New scope going on my 9-8oz.338NM
Havent had a chance test scope yet.But out the backdoor eve on wood lot 400 yrds overcast,the mark 5 much clearer than my 3-24x52 March F.The March very picky on paralax also,this is at 20x,the Leo really beats it at 24/25.My March never been that sharp past 20,upsetting for the $$ spent.The barb wire blurry line,in Leo I can see twist in wire.
My only concern is with the non illuminated ffp grid reticles. The Horus, Tremor 3 and CCH are going to be virtually useless in lowlight/low magnification. If you go the Mark 5 route and plan to hunt with it I would spend the extra coin on the illuminated TMR.
I agree, if you are spending your hard earned cash you might as well spend (or save up) and get the illuminated scope. There are many sales this time of the year and some places will even price match or offer free shipping.
I have a friend who built his own homemade scope tracking device from a couple big blocks of steel. Similar to the "humbler" setup that so many folks have seen on youtube. He tried his Mark 5 on it and it performed perfectly. I was impressed. He has the CCH reticle in his scope, and I think it is awful. Waaay to busy for me. I bought one with the simple Tremor reticle for my hunting only rifle. I think they are pretty tough to beat for the relative cost, weight, and features. Should be getting it today as a matter of fact...
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