Leica 1600B Barometric Pressure Accuracy?


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2013
End of the Oregon Trail
Been working with my new 1600B and have noticed that rarely does it read the same pressure twice within a few seconds. Out of 10 readings, in less than 2 minutes, there was a .54 inHg spread. According to the Shooter app, that is about 1/4 MOA at 800 yards, or 2 inches, for my 6.5.

How constant/repeatable are the pressure readings on your 1600B? Also, I see no way to calibrate this on the 1600B.

Trivial amount maybe, but with my shooting skills I need every 1/4 MOA I can get... :rolleyes:
Just a guess at the moment

Barometric Pressure is affected by temperature. The temperature sensing in the 1600B takes awhile to adjust. I think Lecia says 30 minutes for the finder to stabilize. (not sure about the time)

So maybe the finder has to have a stable temp before it can give accurate pressure. Like above just a guess but will test tomorrow.
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