Left handed help

I'm left handed also and have a couple of L/H rifles. A Savage 110DL in 30-06 from the late 60s' and a Remington 581 22lr. I also shoot alot of T/C Contenders and Encores.
I have looked at the Dimension but don't know if the aftermarket will pick up much for them soon.
My recommendation is a Savage and if money is an issue there are L/H rifles that come up for sale often at reasonable prices.
I am also a lefty that is left eye dominate who was forced to adapt to right handed shooting. I knew from a young age that I wanted to go into law enforcement so I taught myself to shoot right handed. I knew how hard it was to get a left handed baseball glove so I knew how hard it would be to get a left handed duty holster! I trained myself to shoot equally well either hand in rifle or pistol. the only weapon I can't shoot right handed is the shotgun when I am bird hunting. My dominate left eye takes over and I can't line up the shot right handed with both eyes open. Now that I am older and able to afford it I am getting a left handed custom rifle built and I can't wait. The company stocky stocks ( I think they are sponsors here) make some very affordable stocks in left handed configuration for most popular rifle manufactures.
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