You seem to forget the 2nd Amd. It was put in for a reason. It wasn't for hunting. It was to being able to protect ourself from the government. This government has gotten so crooked it beyond belief. Maybe you are not aware of the Durham report that just finally came out. It show just how much the government has gotten so crooked, and nothing we can do about it. They get by free. What they did is far worst than the Jan 6.I see this as a different approach towards banning firearms. One of the reasons we have firearms is for hunting. Make hunting too expensive and the numbers behind hunting diminishes. Once that happens the reason to legally own firearms vanishes. That's my opinion.
Wind Turbines create more CO2 in building them, than what they save in CO2 during their life time of use. Just like EV in their CO2 to build them and recycling them.
I have a part ownership in a recycling Co. We take in any type of metal, and batteries except EV battiers. It produce more CO2 to make them that it saves. Just like the EV vel. Net lost in creating CO2.
The greene's have little knowledge in what is really going on. Sad but true!
A litttle out of date.