Lapua 6.5 cm brass srp. Any issues with non bushed firing pin?

No Creedmoor but my 6.5x47 Lapua is built on a regular Rem 700 stainless short action. I had in the beginning a couple of pierced primers - Federal 205GM. I switched to CCI 450 and since then zero issues. Today I shoot russian Murom KVB-223 Magnum primer which deliver better results in my rifle.
I've heard a good many competition shooters using Wolf primers with good results. Hard to find in my area though.
Shooting buddy just had his Ruger Precision bolt bushing'd. He was slightly punching through Laupa brass. He had stopped shooting a batch of 50 loaded cases, had the work done and resumed shooting that batch of loads. He never punched through another primer.

I don't know for sure who's primer is was, but they were silver so I assumed CCI.
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