
Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2014
Good morning everyone. While helping my wife's family clean out her parents attic we found and old Canvas made gun carrying case propped up in a corner. Everyone was not impressed with the old dusty bag and especially after they couldn't get the brass zipper to open. So being the only redneck country boy in the family I almost stroked out when they threw the old canvas gun case in the junk pile. A little bit of WD-40 on the zipper and a little bit of patients I got it open and of course everyone came a running to see the prize in the bag but because it wasn't a shiny new "anything" they still wanted to toss it, so now it's mine... I've researched the gun and it turns out to be a Kessler 16 gauge bolt action Model 228FR . I understand that they're worth a whopping $50 to $100 at the most for a fully functionable shotgun. The sad part is it could of been a old Browning Humpback and if it wasn't shiny and new they still would of tossed it, just the type of world they grew up in. I came from just the opposite type world. So although this isn't a high dollar gun find it's like a brand new toy to me. The point to my long dragged out story is it's missing the 2 or 3 round magazine box as many of these guns are missing and the magazine is probably going to cost me more than the value of the gun, Does anyone know where I could buy one of these magazine's at? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and any help.

Try Numrich?
Thanks. Yes but they don't show anything at all for the model I have, model 228FR 16ga. and it has a removable magazine. They do show some parts for the models 128FR, 30c and 50 Levermatic. I think I got a needle in the haystack situation.
Scotty...YES !! The Kessler was made my Mossberg so the standard Triple K Mossberg 16 Ga Replacement Magazine 1016 M fits the Kessler perfectly...How do I know this ?? I have a Kessler 16 ga and my Triple K Mossberg Mag # 1016m fits fine !! I have them on ebay now for under $ ebay name is Libertysales2 and I have a Purple Background in all my photo's !!

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