Just a beautiful picture - northern lights …I love where I live


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
Saskatchewan, Canada
My sister took this photo out in her yard last night, the Northern lights out in a beautiful display. I'm sad I didn't make it out of town to see them in their true glory. This sort of thing always makes be be silent and feel a sense of wonder…the house used to be my dads (built when I was in grade 6) and I'm happy her family bought the place now and is keeping it in the family - the quarter of land it's on has been the homebase for our family on my dads side since his grandfather escaped Stalin's Russia and started out with absolutley nothing in this world but the opportunity to start over and build his own life as a Saskatchewan grain farmer in a free country (the man died dirt poor after a life of backbreaking labour…but he died free :) )

Anyway enough rambling, look at this!

I only have one thing on my bucket list, to see the northern lights. Hopefully when I head that direction, it will be another good year. Great pictures!