Is legit?

How many Red Flags does it actually take before you run away all on your own? Post this as a warning about the scam existing but to ask if it is, now that there be funneee, I don'ts care who you izz.o_O

Just pulling your leg a little, WAY better to ask than take a chance and get took. Far too many of these aholes in the world and the Internet has made these scams way too easy.
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The best advice: Do not let desperation over ride common sense.

I recently communicated a scam site using Sig Sauer's name and they were appreciative of being informed. And yes it was a scam site. Its really in our best interest to communicate directly to the product manufacturer of a suspicious website. You cannot go wrong doing so. They will confirm yes or no usually immediately since it is in their best interest as well. They will sometimes take measures to shut it down which Sig did so.
Found some nice Sako rifles at (, but got to wondering why there is no address or phone numbers listed on their website. Also, I see they use Zelle for payment of orders, or crypto coin of some kind. I really don't know if Zelle is a secure payment system, and my bank does not support it.

I sent and email and asked for address and phone number, and asked if they would take PayPal. Their reply ignored my request for address and phone, but said to use PayPal to complete the transaction under family and friends. Send payment to [email protected].

That email address mad me really suspicious!

So I am asking if any of you fine folks have done business with them, before I make a mistake here.
Pretty sure that is the email of the lawyer that contacted me to notify me my lost uncle left me a diamond mine in South Africa!
My long lost uncle in South Africa bank account in Switzerland, only descendant left alive, just send $10,000 via Zelle to the Estate Executive here for transfer of funds to your acount.
The 1-11 twist rate Sako and Tikka offer on the 308 winchester models offends me…..the 1-12 twist rate Browning and Winchester offer on the 308 Winchester is akin to heresy.
Even the 9.5 Twist in the 7mm-08 is a bit off-putting, but keep in mind Fins love wood tar flavoring in their ice cream so I think they march to their own drum. Winchester and Browning have no excuse!
They sure do make a nice looking rifle though….those Grey Wolf 85's are pretty, the 20 7/8th inch long barrel just simply confused me….it's probably some metric system thing because Heym and Haenel rifles are all weird barrel lengths too

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