Well I guess my findings are a bit different I would say .
Running 6 different 338's at once I never had any trouble with any Remington Brass untill the 5 th or so firing then the Kids got new Necklaces because the primer pockets were toast !
I pushed that brass just like I was in the drag Race of my Life ! ( 92 gr. of H-1000)
No Neck turning or Annealing definitely no weight sorting of any kind .
Super clean along with standard case prep and Reload !
Hard for me to Argue with a 3 shot group of 26 3/4" on Steel at 3027 yards ! (1.72 miles ) !! Boom!!
Oh this was all done with a factory Remington action too ! Ha ha
Custom wasnt in my Budget having 6 338's at one time !
A very good friend back in Montana has told me several times to try ADG Brass so I'm working with it now . I'm not shooting as much as before so my results are a bit slower for the final findings but so far I Like it !!
Thanks LRH for such a great place to learn and injoy the Wealth of Knowledge shared here !!!
Rum Man