Well, in Ohio, I gave up hunting. The land is so divided, especially wooded areas that you need 4 permission slips to hunt a 20 acre woods. Not always, but farmers typically own as little unfarmable land as possible. Non-farmers own land for its beauty and have a hundred reasons you cannot be on their land or they love the little pet deers. Seriously,
I also hunt Montana. The weakness there is also an access issue. There is big money buying up that land. In general, recent buyers seem like they could care less about the value of hunting. If they allow hunting, it is to sell off high dollar leases to guides or just as hunting leases. Most just seem like they bought their slice of beauty and it is theirs, not yours….period. The remaining land is over-run if access is easy. If it takes a hard hike, there is still a bunch of huntable land. All that said, Montana is still way more huntable than OH.