Is Big Foot real?

I’ve never seen one and that surely doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. With the amount of game cameras out there it is very hard to believe that a good quality picture and or video of one hasn’t been seen.
There’s been plenty of videos of UFO’s but many still don’t believe that they exist.
there's many more people that have seen them that just don't say anything
I can see how many people would not put their reputation in serious doubt if they have seen one.
It may be more important to figure out why you want Bigfoot to be real. Where does that desire to believe come from?
If the reality is that Bigfoot doesn't exist, how does that make you feel?Disappointed?

Examine the empty space in your heart and ask yourself, is that empty spot "Bigfoot-shaped"; or is meant for something better?
For the record Bigfoot’s name is Darryl! We learned that in 2020.

I don’t think they exist but that doesn’t make me wonder if I’m wrong.