Is a 270 WSM an adequate elk round?

A close friend of mine in my youth shot an elk at a little over 400 yards with a .270. The elk stumbled, got back up and started walking away. His follow up shot put it down. When he gutted the bull he found his first round had been stopped by a rib. I don't recall the load but was surprised the bullet was stopped.
Some times you see, do, or just have incredible things happen that you should keep to yourself. I have seen and done things in life, by myself and with others that are not shared with people that don't know me personally,
My opinion. Run the ballistics on the bullet you're wanting to use. Then make sure your bullet will have enough velocity to function at the distances you want to hunt. Use the manufactured recommendation. Conventional wisdom states 1500ft/lbs is the minimum energy sufficient to kill elk. However my opinion is 200ft/lbs and up is "ideal", especially for smaller caliber/lightweight bullets
200 or 2000 #'s?
Fudge, the Foot pounds of, energy, "Chit" !
We, in my Family, plan on, USING , "good" / KNOWN to "Expand", 130 Grain, Bullets at, 2,000 FPS as, Minimum, to Kill Elk,. Reliably !
And 140 grainers, are,.. Better, Yet !
a Half inch dia, EXPANDED Bullet Hole, thru their Heart / Lungs, pretty much,.. Always,. "Gets it, Done" !
Berger Hunting bullets, Nosler Partitions, AccuBonds, Horn ELD-X's & Interlock's and Sierra GK's HAVE Done this Reliably for Us, for MANY Years!
Never, have Seen ANY of These Bullets "Bounce" off, a Rib from, a .270 !
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