IOR scopes

Sounds like he lenses are not set up for negative g-forces created by the muzzle brakes????

[/ QUOTE ]Woah - then a CHEAP way to test is mount them on BIG SPRING AIR RIFLES. I've seen one particular model eat everything thrown at it. It's normally VIBRATION induced - My guess is that the reverse brake effect sets up vibration - this would explain the blurring too. VERY interesting.
I know a brake changes things, but it just sounds to me like Val was making excuses. Hopefully Dave will chime in here, I know he has used many on braked rifles much bigger than a 300 RUM.
Had a 16x IOR on my 50BMG(36# States Arms with two different brakes) for 300 or so rounds,No problem.It tore up a 12x Leupold before the IOR
The 6-24x35(prototype=non illuminated)was on the 375/50BMG for 50 rounds and then moved to the 6-284 for 300 or so rounds.Super glass in this unit!!
The 6-24x30 has ben on a few different guns and now is on a 308 Baer(with brake) Havent shot the Baer a whole lot but again no problem.
The 6-24x30 that I just baught used(with some real nasty ring marks)went on the 243.It tracks perfectly and will get a workout on prairie dogs this summer.
The other 16x has ben on the 17hmr,AR,7mag and has found a home on the 6.5-284 Savage.Had this scope the longest,it still tracks perfectly.
I've had a few minor mounting problems but am sold on the quality of glass,the repeatability of the turrents and most of all the MP-8 reticle!
Now would I buy an IOR hunting scope? Ya if the price was right but I would realy miss the MP-8 reticle.
I bought my 9-36 from Don at LongRange supply and he told me he has used several of the IOR tactical scopes on 50 BMG rifles and sold many more to others using them on 50's. Now I am sure they are all equip with brakes so maybe the scope mentioned above was a rare failure and not the norm??

I do know of at least one scope in every top end line up that had some type of issues. That includes Leupold, Nightforce, US Optics, S&B and all the others as well. These are mechanical devices made by humans. Sometimes one gets out the door when something is wrong.

We as consumers catch the bad ones and report them. Giving the company a second chance is up to the consumer but one hick up with a scope should not cast a shadow on the entire line.

If that were the case, no one would use Leupolds either as there have been a fair share of Leuys flop but I would still trust one on any of my rifles as I would a NF or anything else. So far I feel the same about the IOR. Hopefully that does not change as I get more rounds down the tube!!

Kirby Allen(50)
Some scopes simply aren't designed for neg G's and will fail when put on Air Rifles or braked rifles. Pity manf do not put that plainly in their product descriptions.

Was at a 1000m fun shoot last weekend and a gent there had a very nice Zeiss Conquest scope on his hunting class rifle. Big dollars but the scope would not track.

Move the adjustment, take a shot, nothing happened, adjust more, shoot and have a huge change. This is the sort of sticking you would expect from a $100 mystery brand special not a top end big dollar Euro scope.

Is this common with all Zeiss products? Doubt it but it sure soured my opinion of trying (financial risk vs reward way too high).

By comparison, there were lots of Elite 3200 10X scopes working happily along never missing a click for 1/5 the price.

This same guy owned a 16X IOR scope and was thrilled with its performance. Was on a Panda 6.5-284. Love that reticle too.

I dont like to post negative info on products without the company having a chance to rectify the problems. You all know about my 338 snipetac and Kirbys 338AM, well... about three years ago i built my first SnipeTac, put on a 8x40 Tasco Pro scope, it was on my 50bmg rifle, mounted it up on the big 338 with brake, lasted 5 shots, the front tube unscrewed. Called Tasco, nope no can fix, old model. OK, didnt have the extra funds so i ordered a IOR 6x24x50, hot looking scope....34shots, boom blurry. Called the place i bought it from, they called VAL, he asked what it was on, 338? Yep, he then said, oh that scope wont work on a 338mag. But then he also said, that scope is no longer going to be made so i have to send extra money to upgrade to the 35mm tube model, he said this scope will take anything you can give it. I mounted it up last year, so far i have fired over 100 rounds through it. Only thing i have noticed so far is the Focus knob on the left side of the turret is getting extra play, you can turn it at least 1 quarter turn before you feel the engagement for focusing. I have to call VAL soon and find out what is up now???? I supose i will get some thing like the brake is screwing up the scope.
I had a Leupold 24X on a 300mag, no brake, several shots and the glass started to rattle inside, they replaced the whole scope with NO questions. I have installed many Nightforce scopes, no problems at all! MY next scope will be a Nightforce.

The IOR has great glass and seems easy to stay focused, but the internal parts seem to have problems. I hope they get the bugs out, nice priced scopes with the rings included.

I will report back as to what VAL says about my new issue.

Gents, I don't have a dog in this fight, yet, but do have a Vias braked "Loudenboomer-Eargersplitten" project a bedding with scope selection next. Many thanks for the heads up. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif Overbore
WOW! I was surprised to see this as I thought I was the only unlucky one. A couple of months ago I bought a 2.5x10x56 from a gunsmith here NIB. I put it on my 338 Lapua and was really happy with it until about the 60 round mark when I noticed a crack while looking thru the scope after firing. Sent it back and Val told me that he didnt recommend a scope with a larger than 50 objective for the bigger calibers so I got a 4x14x50. I*n the mean time my father in law bought an older model 4x14x50 which lasted less than 20 rounds on his 338-378 wby it went blurry as stated by others. So I sent this one back and Val told me this was a recalled model and that it had a history of that happening so I ordered another 4x14x50 for my father in law as well and just paid the difference in cost. Scopes arrived few weeks ago put it on the 338's and headed to the range as were set to leave for Africa the end of May. After about 25-30 rounds thru the 338-378 the scope went blurry mind you this is 2 days before we leave for Africa so my father in law is very upset so he just put on his old nightforce varminter scope and went to Africa with that. The one on my Lapua is still holding up but I have only put less than 40 rounds thru the rifle with this scope so I hope it keeps holding i'll keep my fingers crossed. So thats 3 scopes in less than 2 months I really hope this is a select incident as I really like the MP-8 reticle and the class is very clear. I hope IOR works it out just wanted to post my experiences with this scope.

Guys I'm considering one of these.

Does anyone have a further headsup on how their replacements are holding out? I'm in South Africa, so if it doesn't work out getting a replacement, or service,will be a nightmare.

Kirby, how's yours holding out?

Its been a while since i posted the problem with my IOR 6x24x50 35mm tube scope. I do have it mounted on one of hottest 338 rifles out there, they say there is more "snap recoil" than a 50BMG creates. That said, i called Val today to ask about rings for another project. I then asked him about my personal scope that has a sticky focus knob, i was worried that it was the big 338 rifle rearing its ugly head again. I decribed the problem to Val and he said its an easy fix, "the ring screws are too tight he said" He recomends 12 inch pounds of torque on the screws. He said that will likely fix the problem, if not return it. So i went and removed the scope, checking the knob first, still sticky. After taking the scope off, the focus knob now turns smooth. I installed the scope back on the rifle, set the screws like he said, all is fixed. This goes to show you the screws should be put on with a torque wrench to be sure of the propper settings. Its critical for Scopes with external side focus knobs to have the rings not over tight, the focus inside the scope has to move to work properly. If the tube is pinched just slightly the focus slide will get sticky or not move at all. He has had several scopes that the rings were so tight the tube was crushed. Mine was not in this catagory, thank god! I will get a chance this weekend to do some shooting with it.

Val took care of me with no problems.

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