I was at a range a few years back checking my rifle for hunting. I noted a young man using an AR-15. He had a scope on top and a side sight on the side. He was trying to hit a 25yd target using the side sight. He barley got on paper. I ask him if I could shot a few rounds. He said go ahead. I shot from the hip at the same target. Petty tight group. A great number of years ago with a friend. He had a M1-carbine. We stop somewhere and below there was a pool of water on a rock at about 100yds. I hadn't done any hip shooting from 1969-70. I was deadly accurate out to a 100yds at that time. So I open up on the rock from the hip. All 8 to 10 rounds hit the water. It was about a man size chest. I haven't tried that again. I don't really like using an AR-15 and especially an AK-47. I have an AR-15 or M-4, but is sits in the safe for a rainy day. My choice is bolt action or pump for shotgun. Pistols that's a different thing. If you want see the sights, go to the range, but ready to duct.