Interesting info about Berger Bullets.

I have shot two Elk with the accubond 160, and both times I didn't get a pass through. One was shot from ~100 yards, and one was a very tender, and tasty yearling that was ruuning at me from 30-40 yards away. I was pretty surprized to not see an exit wound from those two shots. Both animals where shot right behind the front shoulder. Three years ago, I shot a nice cow from about 370 yards with the 160 gr partition, and that passed through. My only guess is that at closer range, the bullets expand very rapidly.

Thanks for posting your load, I appreciate it!
John Burns shows some bullet testing on Beyond Belief 3 disc series using the Berger 168 VLD that is very impressive. He shot close and distant ranges into soaked newspaper with a cow bone in it. You could stick your fist into the wound channel and it was deep enough to scramble the animals boiler room. That video completely changed my thoughts about weight retention bullets. I believe I'm going to shoot Bergers, Wildcats, or SMKs on deer and elk from now on.
After taking and watching a few animals fall to the 210 berger this year Im a believer. Shots were from 100 - 600yds and the bullets hit like a ton of bricks. I didnt know a deer could hit the ground so fast.
Here is a couple of pics of a 210Berger shot out of a 300win at 2910fps. The bullet went in on the very last rib on a Whitetail doe and broke the offside shoulder. I shot her about 50 yards. Bullet weighs 79gr.


Here is the exit on my cow Elk with the same combo I shot her at 279 yards quartering twords me.

If you want to read about the rest of the deer I shot with with a 6-284 and the 105 or the 7mmSTW with a 180 here is the link.
Pop, best of the west didn't tell us because they just started using bergers after they became a sponsor, when I last watched best of the west, john was shooting a barnes x or a scirrocco and didn't know which he liked best (thats a quote from one episode)
After seeing my wifes deer go down like gravity was increased ten times,I'll be trying them out somemore next year.I still have my reservations whether Id be trying a shoulder shot on an elk though.
I have used these bullets on elk and deer. I have not had any problems at all. I would not hesitate for a shoulder shot on an elk or deer.
I really like bergers but my rifel will not shoot them past 100yards, I have tried everything. So I have went back to accubonds as I know they do a good job also, but am not sure how they are at long distances, say 600 and beyond??? I had real high hopes of using them. Oh well not every gun likes every bullet.
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