Information needed on gun powder

If memory serves me correctly,the original 8208 was very popular with the bench rest crowd,and is still coveted. You may want to check with the Accurate Shooters site for information. You might expect to get offers to buy it,if that's a consideration.
If memory serves me correctly,the original 8208 was very popular with the bench rest crowd,and is still coveted. You may want to check with the Accurate Shooters site for information. You might expect to get offers to buy it,if that's a consideration.
Yeah that forum blows my mind, I joined it a month or so ago and with in a week I tried buying a barrel and got banned for it because they said I had to be on 30 days before doing any transactions, I was appauled , I apologized and no luck and I asked for a second chance and no replies, I've never ever been banned from any site go figure, wish I could get back on
Thanks just venting
thank you for your help now I will start the dismantling and hope to sell the brass, I would think that someone would need it and the power I will back off the grains some and do a test load,
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