Information needed on gun powder

I don't have a lot of information. I do have a jug of TCCI powder (see picture) the loads on the outside are not mine and I do not know the individual who wrote them down, so I can not verify the data as safe or not. I was given the powder and a lot of other reloading supplies when a friend of my parents died. Also pictured is a burning rate chart I found while looking around for data. I would love to find some data for it, and I am half tempted to try the loads listed...
You are indeed a wealth of information my friend 😉. However if you can still get it at the price listed....order me a train load and I'll split it with you!
All the information above suggests it is somewhere between Dupont 4198 and 4895.
Try a Rem 223 with 20 grains and go up from there. It will possibly show slight pressure signs at 23 or 23.5gns. Be careful and stay safe.
Short cylinders
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