IMR 7828 300 Win mag?

Last year I worked up a load for a buddy's 5R (don't remember OAL, but loaded long)
190 SMK
Remington brass
77.5 gr of 7828SSC
2950 fps
I was having a conversation about buying several pounds of powder on a whim in a thread here a few weeks ago.
So I started messing with a 300 I had in the safe, and I have 8 pounds of 7828 and was wondering if anyone has tried it with heavy bullets, particularly 208 ELD up to 225 grains bullets?

I know this is an Older thread but I came upon it as I was looking for load data for 7828 powder to be used in a 300 Win Mag and thought if I left some info here it might help someone doing a search similar to mine. Like the starter of this thread I have a lot of 7828 that I should start to put to good use. I am using 180 gn Swift Scirocco II bullets.
I loaded up 3 rounds with 3 different powders using 215M primers and the 180 gn Scirocco's and shot them from my 300 Win Mag savage long range hunter. This will be my back up Elk rifle for the 2019 hunting season. My velocity goal was 3000FPS.
The three bullets used the following loads of powder and got the velocities noted below:
1. H1000 - 79G - 2952 FPS
2. Magpro- 81.6 gn - 3060 FPS
3. IMR7828 - 75.2 gn - 3027 FPS
I used a Magnetospeed Chrony to obtain the above velocities.
I had been trying to use 780 powder but at 74 gn which is near or over max depending on which webiste you use I was still only getting 2932 FPS along with a puff of smoke.
I didn't like the smoke and seeing inconsistent velocity with 780 which is why I did the velocity test above. Please load responsibly. These are not starting loads so work up to them for your own safety.

With 7828 I reached my velocity goal so will attempt to use it as I have more 7828 powder than the other powders I tested and had good luck using it in the past so I will attempt to use it provided it gives me decent Accuracy. That's as far as I got at this time. If I remember I will come back and publish my results good or bad using 7828 in my Win Mag.
So far using the 7828 and a couple other powders I have not been able to get a accurate load yet for the out of the 300 WM using the 180 gn Scirocco II bullets. I did read a review however and it said these bullets are picky and reviewer had to load them .001 from the lands. I attempted too but at .001 off the lands I got a heavy bolt lift with 75 gn of 7828 with a velocity of 3048 so I only shot one bullet with that powder load. Farther off the lands that load was no problem. So I went .003 at 74 gn and got my best accuracy so far but still a bit more than 1 inch. So will try to again at .001 with same 74 gn and see what happens.
I've used 7828 ssc with great success in the 210 berger VLD...
I was just looking at the new 10th edition of the Hornady manual and they are saying IMR 7828 will work for the 200 GR ELD-X. Has anyone loaded this powder with this bullet. I have also heard some type of SSC powder may be better because you can get more in the case to avoid a compressed load. How much better is 7828 over H1000, Since IMR 7828 is recommended in this Hornady suggest that this is the power used by the factory. My goal is only to duplicate their factory load and MV. I just downloaded the Hornady AP on my iPhone and bought the two pages I wanted hopefully to get the data for 308 Winchester using IMR 4064 and 300 WIN MAG using IMR 7828. I paid the $2.00 and I saw the charge come across my Bank. I did not get any e-mail with these two items in .pdf format and when I look in the AP to see unlocked items they are not there neither. Does anyone know where the two paid for items may be found so I can print them?
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