let's forget brand of pill for a moment & look @ fundamentals of pills good & bad
Good is consistency across various resistances & velocity impacts that creates a good terminal result that the animal is secured in a very short space of time from impact to tip
Bad is the inconsistent results that occur
Eg a blow up on shoulder to a pencil through the ribs etc & yes we can stop this from a placement or restricting our impacts to a good velocity window on our behalf to a point but we can't guarantee it in the field we will not place it exactly where we want %100 of the time
those can argue that above & I just say keep shooting or look forward to seeing you with a gold medal around your neck in Paris 2024 ( on tv of course as I'm hopeless )
So we have blow up or pencils then add in tumbling which is caused on the whole from a inadequate twist , nosing over , shoulder stabilisation, construction ,
length & meplat shape /deformation ( that's what I look @ others probably know more than me so please speak up if I've missed anything )
Some of these can be fixed others it's out of our control
It's understanding how as hunters our choices will help us get more good results & less of those bad
some are just unexplained yep get that & some people also state it's a dead critter so who cares well the guy /gal who just lost theirs when you see tell tail signs prior yep they really care & that's what I look @ & test to lesson the risk of it happening
Now I'm going to go back to my point a lot of posts ago
So once again @nrailer Please show me the terminals don't just go quiet or say this pill opens to x & that dosent lift the bar or help anyone .
Ignore me if anyone wants that's their priority but if you don't even get a simple explanation it shows me the snake oil agenda may be a fair indication of reality
Let's go back to that gemsbok ( oryx ) & I've shot a few of them over my time & saw a lot killed the majority rib shots with Barnes , partition & amax as the most popular
I was hoping people would have delved a little deeper on that gemsbok ( great write up byrddog thankyou )
& I don't know why as it's a bad result , yes critter is secured but now we have a rib shot & a tumbled pill & we haven't even got to the so called lower impacts this brand will work , imo open yes work hmm guess it depends on one's standards & I'll leave everyone to make their mind up but as you take velocity away tumbles / turns become more apparent especially on large animals
tumbles are erratic & lucky it went through the vitals ( straighline penertration is more consistent because we can aim for vitals not hope we get them )
Now this also gets into the metalergy of the pill also as some are brittle some soft & most in between , these all act differently depending on what it impacts , some bone sorts this out fairly quickly & especially once a angle is incorporated
Now a rib of a gemsbok is not hard & especially on that angle move that to a harder bone & or more mass , angles also come into play
You have got a critter that has way more chance of being lost or a long run that also may end in a unrecovered critter
I will also dispute the time it takes a animal to expire with a hole /tear in diaphragm add that to a lung & liver wound & the vast majority of those critters don't travel no where near this distance & bleed out fairly quickly than just a lung shot of minimal wounding ( position of wounds is also important in lungs ) or is it that this is actually showing us that the wound created wasn't as good as the good pills hmmm yes the long runs have a pattern !!!
Yes I care what is put up on paper as surely it's in our own interest to speak factual evidence not some oh on paper & until we are shown repeatedly that a mushroom mono will outperform or @ a minimum equal a good frangible @1700 I call BS & I'll say it's a lot higher on the best mushroom mono which still isn't as good as a good frangible yes mushroom monos need speed
I've got no closed mind show me factual evidence & I welcome the bar to be raised but I'll have nothing to do with BS
I guess it's where the bc argument wins the race or is it clouds some peoples thoughts