When starting to learn to shoot and saftey, dad said no double barrels, (his buddies were two brothers who squirrel hunted with him on occasion. One evening he didn't go and the brother who carried an old saftey button double snapped it together behind his younger brother. The gun went off. Taking off most of the younger brothers head.) or semi auto's. First a single shot 22, single shotgun and a single action 22 pistol later. He insisted on a pump shotgun until I was out of his house. Semi 22 rifle, a High Standard 22 9shot double action, 30-30 Model 94 and an over and under 22 mag - 12gauge was there before I moved out. I then went semi auto stuff. That experience of the brothers stayed with him his entire life. He said I was working in the yard when they came back out of the holler. The one brother screaming as their car went by holding the other. Someone else was with them that evening. Can't remember who but that really doesn't matter.