I want to build a long range rifle for my retirement

10 shots 3.9 in at 1000 yds Dang ,
Won't go wrong with the 6 Or 6.5 creed. Lots of good ammo cheap. I shoot a 6.5 creed in 1000yard compatition. No recoil and very accurate. I've done 10 shots in 3.9 inches in competition. 3rd smallest group at Williamsport last season.
that's awesome
Congratulations on retirement. Your question is one with many considerations. I shoot 6.5X47 Lapua, 300 WM and 338 Lapua. I love them all. As I look toward retirement myself, I find myself spending more time behind the 6.5. The reasons are, less recoil, much easier to find powder for (the boomers require powder that can be hard to find in sufficient quantities like H1000 and Retumbo) not that I am frail but I don't enjoy th beating fro the others as much as I used too. Th Creed is a great cartridge!!
6.5 cm is a great cartridge, but may be a bit over-kill for woodchucks or p-dogs. Might consider a 224AI, 22-250AI, or even my favorite today 6cm. Reasonably heavy 26" threaded barrel with a twist rate suitable for todays high BC bullets. Know this, your choice of optics could cost as much as the rifle and you will need to choose between MOA or Mil-dot reticles for your long range shooting. May need a 10 to 20 MOA rail to help out your scope. Want to add fun, get a suitable sound suppressor. As my gunsmith often says, oh shucks, I need to work up a new rifle. Good luck and make it fun.
I shoot Chuck's with my 300 win mag out to 700 yds , now that's overkill. It's not like I'm worried about losing meat. It's the fun and sense of accomplishment that I get out of hitting a small target at a long yardage.
I reload, so the 6.5. Creedmoor just adds another challenge to the whole pot. My 7 year old granddaughter shoots my 300 win mag off a lead sled and is thrilled at hitting a chuck at 300 yds , which is her best to date.
A 20 MOA rail that comes on the T/C Arms precision center LRR along with a ton of added features , like 5R rifling , bipod , fluted barrel, muzzle break etc., it seems like this maybe the rifle for me.
I travel to the Davis mountains in West Texas every year , for 3 weeks, maybe longer now that I would be retired, so I will have the ability to shoot out to a mile or 2, if I want to. My boundaries a limitless ,but want to stay under $ 2500 ,I guess , give or take a $1000.
Retiring in 9 months and would like to build a rifle for 1000 yds plus. I don't shoot competition but may consider it in the future. I also reload and currently shoot a 300 win mag. Total build price around $2500 or so. Looking at 6.5 Creedmoor , but still open to suggestions. I like the Ruger precision Rifle platform or any rifle with an adjustable comb ,length of pull etc .This rifle will be mostly used to shoot wood chucks , silhouette and target.

6.5 is good, I also shoot 300wm which is great out past a 1000 yards, but even suppressed pretty punishing for 60-80 shoots for comp.

You may also look at 6.5 in a Bergera b-14 I believe heard good things and only 1 or 2 deserting comments. I have the Ruger precision in 6.5 I find recoil very manageable for looking at 60-89 shoots in an afternoon.
Take a look at the tac tikka A1's. They are fully adjustable, fantastically smooth factory actions, and a few pounds lighter than the RPR. I've yet to shoot a Tikka that didn't shoot great. Also, for a 2500 budget I'd definitely spend more on the scope than the rifle;)
Congrats on you retirement!

I have 6 months to go.myself...

I've thought about doing the same thing as a present to myself. I need a third safe more than another rifle...so I have mixed feels on having a rifle built.
I've still go 25 years unless I hit the lotto first, lol. Congrats though. I'd have a hard time with this, my first thought is the 300 PRC, might as well keep it in the .30cal family. But I also have a custom built .260 and a custom 6.5-284, so if it was me I'd go with the 300 PRC . Actually I'm slowly talking myself into it
Retiring in 9 months and would like to build a rifle for 1000 yds plus. I don't shoot competition but may consider it in the future. Total build price around $2500 or so. Looking at 6.5 Creedmoor , but still open to suggestions.
So 6.5 creed because it just the in thing or does it out perform other .264 calibre offerings at that distance??

Don't get caught up in a fad!

Go bigger like 6.5x284 & its legs can be stretched way further!

If recoil is a factor then brake it ;)
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