I need some Wyoming members to bail me out - epic dad fail

The Wyoming Game and Fish Cheyenne office number is 307-777-4600 , the Gillette number is 307-687-7157 this should get you in touch with the warden in Gillette .
I told my son to prepare to look cute and lovable for door knocking. I am not opposed to it and am planning on it, just hoping to have something a little more solid lined up having to drive all the way from Tennessee. If it wasn't for the timing of fall break and school I would just haul him to Idaho for the family elk hunt. Just trying to take advantage of these breaks with no school or sports:).
Taking my 12 yr old on his first antelope hunt - He has been super stoked. We have doe tags, but I had an epic fail dad fail and put in for the 23-7 private land tags instead of the 23-6 public land tags. This is just outside of Gillette. Sigh...any private land owners out there willing to let my son shoot a doe antelope on their property? Or can anybody point me in the right direction? I don't even care if I fill my tag - just want my son to have an opportunity. My son is shooting a 6.5 creed and might be wearing a flatbill hat, so take that into consideration! Lol - JK, he is a cool kid and deserves this.

If you have any thoughts or suggestions or want to tell me how bad I suck, let me know:)
I have some friends that have a section of land in area 23 and they would be willing to help out. Contact me (307)680-8728.
I would not offer a trespass fee. That's how you get states like Texas where you have to pay for everything.

I made the mistake of purchasing a cow elk tag where most of the early hunt animals were either in the Natl forest or concentrated on farms. The farmers offered to allow us to hunt for a small trespass fee of $500 per cow. We passed on that "super" deal.
I hope you get lucky. I've had success in nearby units public, but 23 is even difficult public due to severe limited access. Drove around and through a lot of private advertising obscene fees.
Taking my 12 yr old on his first antelope hunt - He has been super stoked. We have doe tags, but I had an epic fail dad fail and put in for the 23-7 private land tags instead of the 23-6 public land tags. This is just outside of Gillette. Sigh...any private land owners out there willing to let my son shoot a doe antelope on their property? Or can anybody point me in the right direction? I don't even care if I fill my tag - just want my son to have an opportunity. My son is shooting a 6.5 creed and might be wearing a flatbill hat, so take that into consideration! Lol - JK, he is a cool kid and deserves this.

If you have any thoughts or suggestions or want to tell me how bad I suck, let me know:)
Not a fail. Take it in stride. This with all Great lessons, Remind him to check the details. And no one has gotten hurt. [Let him tease you of it in small quantity.... this will give a young person a feeling nearing equality]] Huge gains in communication may come of this.
I've been reading this forum for a couple of years, just now joined and it's the only forum I'm a member of. In response to Predator 22, most of Texas is privately owned and trespassing is a serious crime.
There are thousands of acres of quality public hunting land though.
I've been reading this forum for a couple of years, just now joined and it's the only forum I'm a member of. In response to Predator 22, most of Texas is privately owned and trespassing is a serious crime.
There are thousands of acres of quality public hunting land though.
A lot of every state is private property. Trespassing is a crime here too. A lot of land around here is private, and most people don't charge a fee. I refuse to pay to hunt on someone's land and refuse to be paid for someone to hunt on my land, although I usually only let youth and the ladies hunt here.
I have a friend and his son come here (Colorado) from Texas every year to hunt because of the outrageous fees there. I know you all have some youth only hunts and what not, but is their enough for all the youth that want to hunt? Is it affordable? They are the future of this sport and if we don't get them involved this sport, this lifestyle will not survive.
Taking my 12 yr old on his first antelope hunt - He has been super stoked. We have doe tags, but I had an epic fail dad fail and put in for the 23-7 private land tags instead of the 23-6 public land tags. This is just outside of Gillette. Sigh...any private land owners out there willing to let my son shoot a doe antelope on their property? Or can anybody point me in the right direction? I don't even care if I fill my tag - just want my son to have an opportunity. My son is shooting a 6.5 creed and might be wearing a flatbill hat, so take that into consideration! Lol - JK, he is a cool kid and deserves this.

If you have any thoughts or suggestions or want to tell me how bad I suck, let me know:)

Not an epic dad fail at all. I'd call a dad taking a son hunting fantastic. Just a mistake is all, and we all make them that's life. Yep, I'd knock on doors, offer to do some work or whatever. I'd tell them of your mistake too-takes a good man to own up and take responsibility. I'm a landowner and I'd let you in if I believed you were sincere and of a good nature. Family is priority one to anyone that's worth a dang. Get in the truck and go knocking where you want to hunt-good luck hope your son bags one
Go have fun! If and animal is taken then great, if not its not the end of the world. Most landowners ask the guides to take a certain amount of does off their land. I don't think you will have a problem.
Side note, Cute is one thing but being a young gentlemen is something else. My son did this years ago and when the old lady told him he was second in line he asked if he could help her with her weeding that she was doing. She dang near adopted him and I almost let her :) Good luck and have fun.
I hope your son gets to hunt because I too know the future of hunting in America lies in the hands and minds of the youth. The idea of hunting another's private land for free for me, is almost unbelievable. It's true that the cost for hunting any of the large game animals in Texas has gotten outrageous. About the only thing here landowners allow free hunting for are hogs and coyotes. Good luck.
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