Well-Known Member
That was one of the first things I checked was my case length. The 7mm remington Mag case Max length is 2.5" I trimed everything back to 2.490" according to the speer manual. As soon as I annealed all the brass casings that wouldnt fit, I was able to full length size them and now they all fit perfect. I think the brass was just too hard to resize. Now I see how important it is to anneal brass. To maintain acurasy I plan to check the head space after a brass is fired and then reduce the brass head space by .001". I will also use belted magnum collet resizing die.Cost me $106.00 might as well put it to good use.
just a further thought; your using a belted magnum case, and how does it headspace? Most belted mags headspace off the belt and not the shoulder unless they were built that way. If you have a factory chamber, you should probably be headspacing off the belt.
Speaking of case hardness, I have about a hundred Federal .300 Win mag cases that are so hard that they ring like a bell. I tried running one of them thru a .270 mag die for the hell of it, and it wouldn't do anything with them! Looks like it would take a major annealing to make .270 mag cases out of the .300 mag brass.
As for the Innovative Tech die, if you don't need it now, you will in the future. Nice thing about themis that if you have one for a .300 H&H case, it will work all all cases that are from that family. So you can use it on a .338 mag or a .257 mag.