I have a problem...

Thumbs up on the removal tool. I have stuck cases with the RCBS lube. I think sooner or later you will have this problem. For a couple of bucks at your local drug store you can buy a life times worth of lube. Besides it is good for your skin and you sure do not have to use harsh chemicals to get it off everything. Keeping your dies clean and stored properly has got to be important. So what is the best way?
It's pretty easy to remove a stuck case yourself with stuff most of us have in the garage. You need just a couple of tools.

-Drill bit
-2 washers

1- Drill a hole through the primer pocket.
2- Tap the hole you just drilled.
3- Install the die and stuck case back into your reloading press, and lock it down.
4- Place a socket over the stuck case. (It's important to pick a socket big enough for the case to be able to fit inside of)
5- Take your bolt (that matches the tap you made in the stuck case), and run it through your 2 washers. Then run it through your socket, and screw it into the stuck case.
6- Take your wrench and turn the bolt until the stuck case comes out.

It only takes a coulple of minutes, and is very effective.
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