I drew Arizona antelope unit 3A, now what?

It took me 19 years to get my last resident pronghorn tag. You have really beaten the odds in Arizona. Same with the strip muley tag.
You need to buy some PowerBall lottery tickets too!
I drew this tag on my 20th year of applying for antelope in Arizona.

I also drew a Montana moose tag this year, also on my 20th year of applying. I will do the goat hunt in Az right behind the moose hunt. One of my challenges is going to be finding a place near 3A that can store my moose meat for me while I am hunting antelope. Any ideas on this will be greatly appreciated!
White Mountain Meat Packing in Show Low. I used them last fall, did a great job with an elk last fall for me. Call them and ask
White Mountain Meat Packing in Show Low. I used them last fall, did a great job with an elk last fall for me. Call them and ask

Thanks man, I just spoke with them and they are more than happy to accommodate me. The gentleman told me that the reservation elk hunts nearby had been canceled this year so they wouldn't be as busy as usual. I really appreciate the heads up!
That's what I like about this forum everyone is very helpful with each other. :)
Ya beat me to it! I was just going to say the same thing.
I drew AZ Antelope in 18B this year (with 20 points!), and have been surprised with the willingness of folks, not just in this forum, to help. I think part of it is since it takes so long to draw a tag here, most folks aren't worried about sharing their "honey hole" because they know it's going to be a decade or two before they get to hunt it again anyway.
As many years as it took to get the tag, I would hire a guide. I used Shane Koury for elk some years ago; he lives in Show Low.

Ya know, I was leaning in that direction at first, but the cost of hiring a guide threatened to take the fun out of this hunt for me... I believe the cost was way more than I would've expected to pay for just a guided, not even fully outfitted, hunt. I have done it both ways for many different species, and although I may could get a goat with a few more inches of score, it just wouldn't be worth it to me. I believe there is a lot of worth in doing it on your own, albeit with a lot of help from good guys who are willing to share information with you. Just my two cents on the subject.
I'm pretty envious of the Az tag holders.
Should be a decent year for antler growth!
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