"I asked for a hunting gun but I got an IBS benchrest accuracy capable rifle instead!"

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
This was texted to me earlier today from one of my most recent customers.


I asked for a hunting gun and I got an IBS benchrest accuracy capable gun..lol. :)

This gun is unbelievable. Thank you. -- Bob.

5 shots in one very small hole at 100 yards.
Your load needs some work. Try stepping up in .2 increments until the groups tighten up.
So what am I missing? How do some guns shoot that well after 10-20 shots and I am still tinkering atover 100? Just dumb luck? Special load development program? Much better built gun than mine? I swear I'm gonna copy and paste an elk picture 2" tall to my target at 100yrds and aim like it's at 400 to see if it's just me.
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