I am falling apart ...

Hang in there, it'll all turn out fine. Have faith and follow doc's instructions, dont hurry the recovery, if it takes longer than you'd like, then it is what it is.

Yes, getting older sucks but oh well, life goes on and all we can do is make the best of it.

Stay safe brother and gold bless

@Dosh apparently you are the healthiest of the bunch LOL.
Still waiting for the other shoe to drop!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Feenix. And to everyone else that is having issues. Hope you all get healed up before your hunting adventures are here. Hunt safe and shoot straight. This age thing isn't for sissies. God bless.
LOL! This is why I am having it earlier. I might not be able to do bow season but rifle season should be a go.
Before I was 45 I had Carpal tunnel surgeries on both wrists. Before I was 25 I was tone deaf, had very loud constant tinnitus, and the top 4 vertebrae in my neck were damaged and compressed with no way to release them or fix them ever due to a loose 200lb+ tank hatch being pile driven onto my head when my tank launched across a ditch into an embankment 30 yards away.

Everyday I wake up unrested, sore, angry and thankful that I actually woke up and wasn't one of those poor basstards that got burnt to a crisp in combat.
Good Luck and swift healing. As with you, I have extreme pain tolerance and feel blessed to be so unaffected by it.
My dad taught by example, live your life like a gran prix sportscar - run hard, fall apart as you cross the finish line.
Good Luck! Tough got us this far the rest of the trip may need something else.
I'm glad that you guys are open to the age issue. 2020 has been hard to get over. I got a rib shot from a bull then in December I was loading my truck to go hunting and missed a step and broke my fifth metatarsal, three screws and a plate I'm starting to get around. Has taken three months but happy to get off the crutches. I don't heal as quick as I used to. I guess I needed a dog to lick my wounds.