Huskmaw or Leupold

I vote for leupold
I have a vx3 with the m1 turrets installed on it
Also several with just the BC or varmit hunters reticles
I recently helped a buddy put together a 270wsm with the cds scope
It has the orignal moa turret and has NO stop in it he can dial to 700 yards in less than one full turn
Neither of these have to be turned passed then back down or have any tracking problems simply dial and shoot
We use balistic software to get us close then tweek the numbers by shooting (about 50 rounds a week per gun) at steel and rock chucks
never shot a huskmaw But I will be shooting one this weekend.
Also just because they are made by the same people at the same place does not mean it is the same glass or other parts.

I agree. However, I'm told it is the same glass and for the most part, they are almost the same scope. I cannot find the old email I received from Light Optical, the facility in Japan, but I will send them another because I am curious. And, the Huskemaw is undergoing a few changes as well and the newest scope will be available in November. Curiously, they will have the "top of the line" coating the manufacturer offers as well. Whether or not Nightforce does something independent here in the US, I don't know. But from what you wrote, it appears as though they do.

Regardless, I'm betting none of us have the vision to be able to detect the differences in these advanced lens coatings.
How many people would own Huskmaw if they didnt see it on Best of the west? + 1 for Nightforce im the proud owner of 3- 5.5x22 50mm NpRI Zero stop and wont look back. It usally only cost another nickel to go first class have patience and hold out, hell i dig ditchs for a living.
How many people would have heard of the Huskemaw if it weren't for BOTW? Is there something wrong with developing your own scope and turrets and advertising them?

And FWIW, I own a Nightforce.

The difference between 1/4 and 1/3 MOA adjustments at 800 yards is .64", thats just a little over 5/8 of an inch. I don't think most of us can shoot good enough to notice much difference.
I don't own a Huskemaw but my nephew does and loves it. By the way Gunwerks is coming out with their own version of scope with turrets and windage reticle and it will be made by Nightforce.
You're looking at a big power difference in the two scopes that you have mentioned 10 vs 20. Also does that Leupold have a side focus? That could be a big plus for the Huskemaw. The Greybull precision would be a closer comparison, its Leupold also.
I have 4 leupolds, 1 Burris Signature Select, 1 Huskemaw and love them all.
My eyes cant see much difference in clarity or brightness. I really like the 20x of the Huskemaw over the 14 of the Greybull for longrange. The compact size for the 20X is great for many of my hunts.
How many people would have heard of the Huskemaw if it weren't for BOTW? Is there something wrong with developing your own scope and turrets and advertising them?

And FWIW, I own a Nightforce.

True, but if it wasn't for two gunsmiths who bought and paid for exclusive NF distributorships, and spent the time and money promoting them in the LR communitiy when no one had heard of them, NF would not be here either. They were the ones who set up the NF dealer network that is out there.

BTW NF unilaterally cancelled their distributorship 2-3 years ago when they did not need them anymore so they decided to cut them out. So understand where integrity and honesty stand with any mftr.

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