Hunt w/ Muzzle Brake?

I love mine. Nice to know when you have to shoot in a awkward position it's nice to know iam not going to eat my scope. Not that it would hurt my looks any
I bought my 300WM acknowledging that this was the largest round I would shoot without a brake. I always prefer hearing protection but in some situations you end up without it.

This year I took my 338 Edge elk hunting. I was surprised to end up on elk before we planned to encounter them, everything happened very fast, and I took the shot without hearing protection on my braked rifle. It's a conservative brake more protective to the shooter than others (Heathen) but still I really regret that shot.
I still prefer to go without a brake except when recoil makes it mandatory. Spotting shots really only matters on prairie dogs to me and I can run light enough rounds I don't need a brake to do that.
I have for the last 3 years on my 300 win mag. I would never go back to hunting without it. Love being able to see where my shot hit. I've never noticed the noise from the brake when I'm hunting. Maybe I'm lucky.
I had hearing protection on my arm and ready to go when moose hunting. The shot opportunity came up quickly and I never even thought about the muffs until I pulled the trigger on my braked 338RUM.
It didn't seem all that loud but it sure couldn't have done my hearing much good.
Nope. No brakes when hunting, period. Once, years ago when brakes were first becoming popular, had a quick shot come up and before the earplugs went in, and a hunting partner's braked 300Wby goes off. I couldn't hear properly for two weeks, and under certain conditions the ear still bothers me.

All it takes to manage recoil is practice, and practice is fun.
I only have one rifle with a brake and am now a firm believer in the benefits they offer.
Years of shooting without hearing protection in the military has left my hearing in very bad condition. Wear ear plugs or something whether you shoot with a brake or not.
I don't yet wear a hearing aid, but my wife says I need them.
Yes to the brake. Side ports not radial to control blast effect. And absolutely use earpro all the time. See the electronic plugs in the online store. Used them for several years now.
Last year was my first season hunting with a braked rifle. I had earplugs around my neck the whole time and fortunately, my shot opportunities allowed time to quickly put them in before the shot.
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