Howa 1500 - semi custom build

Good thought!

Would you buy the 2 lb spring set about 2.75 lbs? I don't think you can really get the stock one down to 3 lbs as they advertise unless it is well used. Even at 3.5 lbs I have a tendency to pull shots.. and a new shooter is even more likely to do so.
All you need to do is take the trigger to a competent Smith or watch you tube and follow the instructions set out by Howa....and cut a small piece of the spring off to reduce pull. But I like mine right were they are.
All you need to do is take the trigger to a competent Smith or watch you tube and follow the instructions set out by Howa....and cut a small piece of the spring off to reduce pull. But I like mine right were they are.

I realize that. Have done a lot of race car valve springs.. . but why not use a specific spring that someone has already tuned to fall in the area you want your effort to be in, when the price is low enough? No trial and fine tuning with the GunBloke's spring other than set it for the pressure you want. I guess one can take what ever approach he wants.... this one worked for me.
I realize that. Have done a lot of race car valve springs.. . but why not use a specific spring that someone has already tuned to fall in the area you want your effort to be in, when the price is low enough? No trial and fine tuning with the GunBloke's spring other than set it for the pressure you want. I guess one can take what ever approach he wants.... this one worked for me.
You are absolutely right...why not...the price as you said certainly can warrant it.... I would recommend they get a snap cap first and let her dry fire it for a while and she what she thinks but yours is a great alternative!
Kinda odd to me, cut a spring to make it lower force. Huh?

Shortening a coil spring always increases its spring rate. Always.
Coil springs are torsion bars, bar diameter and length are what determine the spring rate. Longer bar = softer spring.

What reduces the trigger weight is that there is less installed compression. If its a 10 lbf/in spring, that is it takes 10 lbs of force to compress it 1 inch, and it is installed with .25" compression then it takes at least 2.5 lbs of force before anything even starts to move. Install it with only .1" of compression and now it only take 1 lb before things start to move.
Why not massage the seats that the spring sits on to increase it's installed height? Same thing that most adjuster screws do. That would lower the trigger weight without eliminating the carefully shaped end of the spring.
UPDATE.... Soooo my wife is a lefty, she likes to shoot my AR's righty so I'm thinking she'll shoot as a righty for a bolt gun too. Big cup of nope....after a long time trying out different shooting positions and left/right and all the above she decides that she'd rather shoot lefty. But heres the good part, she still wants to close her left eye like she's shooting righty. I literally can't make this stuff up. So now I have to to get a different rifle and teach her how to shoot correctly. So now I have a gun to pretty much do what I want with, I'm not gonna complain about that part.
UPDATE.... Soooo my wife is a lefty, she likes to shoot my AR's righty so I'm thinking she'll shoot as a righty for a bolt gun too. Big cup of nope....after a long time trying out different shooting positions and left/right and all the above she decides that she'd rather shoot lefty. But heres the good part, she still wants to close her left eye like she's shooting righty. I literally can't make this stuff up. So now I have to to get a different rifle and teach her how to shoot correctly. So now I have a gun to pretty much do what I want with, I'm not gonna complain about that part.
If she shoots a right bolt running it with her bag hand she will be very fast after she learns how to run it. Lots of dryfire in the house is in order.
UPDATE.... Soooo my wife is a lefty, she likes to shoot my AR's righty so I'm thinking she'll shoot as a righty for a bolt gun too. Big cup of nope....after a long time trying out different shooting positions and left/right and all the above she decides that she'd rather shoot lefty. But heres the good part, she still wants to close her left eye like she's shooting righty. I literally can't make this stuff up. So now I have to to get a different rifle and teach her how to shoot correctly. So now I have a gun to pretty much do what I want with, I'm not gonna complain about that part.

I'm a lefty, as is my wife. Which makes it handy that she can use my guns (although I have a couple right handed bolt guns as well as pump and lever actions where the safety is really designed for rightys) Here is the fun part though; I have a 9 year old brother-in-law (adopted) who is also left handed. But unlike your wife he insists on shooting right handed, while using his left eye and closing his right. Unfortunately his father who is not much of a shooter (used to bird hunt years ago, and is going to deer hunt this year for the first time at 66 years old in order to take his son) let him get comfortable shooting this way. He is actually a good shot, but I'm afraid his form will cause headaches when he is hunting.
Have you tried to teach her to shoot both eyes open? I started doing that a couple years ago and I would never go back to closing one eye to focus. It also helps in the field as sometimes you see movement or other factors that might prevent you from making the shot. One time on a private range, I was settling in for the shot and I caught movement outside of the scope and a trespasser was driving along the road next to the target. I firmly believe if my other i was closed and only looking through the reticle I would have sent the bullet down range. Scared me to think what could have happened but the guy was scared to death after he saw me laid over the rifle pointing right at him.
I just bought a Howa 1500, 308 tactical for really cheap and I'm thinking about putting some money into it and building a semi-custom. I want to build it for my wife, she likes shooting and I'm trying to get her into hunting. So basically what I want to do with this rifle is get the action trued/blueprinted, new stock, barrel (carbon Fiber), and a light scope to go along with it. I don't think she'll ever take this out past 500 yards....if that. The rifle needs to be lightweight, easy to handle and carry, she's not used to running around the woods with a gun. My goal is to make it as easy and fun for her as possible so she'll want to come with mw. So with that info my main question is,

What caliber/barrel length/twist rate would be the best to make it easy for her to shoot and still have a good round to go hunting with?
Leave it exactly the way it is. Right caliber right gun, extremely accurate....why re-invent the wheel?
UPDATE.... Soooo my wife is a lefty, she likes to shoot my AR's righty so I'm thinking she'll shoot as a righty for a bolt gun too. Big cup of nope....after a long time trying out different shooting positions and left/right and all the above she decides that she'd rather shoot lefty. But heres the good part, she still wants to close her left eye like she's shooting righty. I literally can't make this stuff up. So now I have to to get a different rifle and teach her how to shoot correctly. So now I have a gun to pretty much do what I want with, I'm not gonna complain about that part.
My wife is right hand left eye dominant and all my guns are set up right hand lol she threw a wrench into my plans.i guess I have to buy or make more guns oh darn!!!!! lol
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