How to set up your exbal program right

jeff 300

Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
corpus christi,tx
Could one of the pros give some detailed info on how to set up your exbal program after you go out and conograph your load. then shoot to different distances like (100,300,500,750,1000)
and have all of the +/- measurements. what do you change in the program first (BC ,speed) to get it to match your measurements??????????????????
I have only just started tinkering around with Exbal

First enter all the data fields,no guessing. you will need a Kestral for alt, temp, pressure etc and your bullet info (available on exbal) and bullet speed from your chronograph.

Enter it all in and select zero wind and print off the table it produces.

The next and most important step is to verify the data, I picked a few ranges to do this, I did 330, 600 and 800 for my 7MM SAUM.
Dial in the adjustments for each distance that exbal tells you and do a 3 shot group. If its high or low don't worry just finish the group.

View all 3 groups and work out the average of the three shots and measure if they are high or low and by how much (in whole inches only), don't worry about windage too much.

Then go into Exbal and click the tab "advanced functions" then select 'trajectory validation' and enter the info ie

If your 300 group was 3 inch high type in + 3
If your 600 group was 6 inch low type in - 6

When all entered push calculate and apply.

Exbal alters your muzzle velocity rather than the BC.

Someone else will have far more experience than me with Exbal but this should get you started.
Cheers, Steve
I have only just started tinkering around with Exbal

First enter all the data fields,no guessing. you will need a Kestral for alt, temp, pressure etc and your bullet info (available on exbal) and bullet speed from your chronograph.

Enter it all in and select zero wind and print off the table it produces.

The next and most important step is to verify the data, I picked a few ranges to do this, I did 330, 600 and 800 for my 7MM SAUM.
Dial in the adjustments for each distance that exbal tells you and do a 3 shot group. If its high or low don't worry just finish the group.

View all 3 groups and work out the average of the three shots and measure if they are high or low and by how much (in whole inches only), don't worry about windage too much.

Then go into Exbal and click the tab "advanced functions" then select 'trajectory validation' and enter the info ie

If your 300 group was 3 inch high type in + 3
If your 600 group was 6 inch low type in - 6

When all entered push calculate and apply.

Exbal alters your muzzle velocity rather than the BC.

Someone else will have far more experience than me with Exbal but this should get you started.
Cheers, Steve

Thanks but i have this far already. but some of the measurement don't work after i do this. some one on here was talking about adjusting the bc to make it all add up
I could be wrong but if you know 100% your velocity is correct and 100% you're installing the correct conditions, what else could it be? Change the bc and see what happens. If I'm wrong, no harm done. If I'm right, you're welcome:D
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