How to Answer the Doctor’s Safety Questions

That's a legit question for routine doctors visits.

I tell my kids to say "none of your business". Have had no issues. BUT most medical facilities have a no weapons sign.

In a normal world, you'd be able to have fun with the question like the OP stated.
Don’t agree it’s legit unless it’s a psych clinic. It was an Obama administrations failed attempt into our rights. Some of us were paying attention then as we are paying attention now.
Last few times I have had to go to the ER, I have said "Guns? No..."

They ask some weird questions.
"Do you feel safe?" (I said "I don't like ghost or demon movies." to that one).
"Does your partner make you do things you do not want to do?" (I said "Yes, makes me watch ghost and demon movies!" to that one).
The nurse wife did not.
Remember, everything you say and the assessment of your reactions goes in your chart. This is a non-private digitized record that can be used against you.

Guns in your home is an assessment of your mental health. It is going into your permanent record, including your reaction to it.

The correct answers are, “prefer not to answer” or “no”….i’m not answering that asinine question (that second bit should remain unsaid) While my discussions with my doctor are supposed to be private, somehow a third party contractor found out I may have diabetes. When I asked my dr to clearly answer so I have diabetes, he couldn’t answer clearly.
Our clinic just changed to new medical record; one of my wife's notes had a list that had things like:
Homo/suicidal ideation
Legal Issues
Illegal Drug Use

And so on. I called and they said, oh, it doesn't matter unless there's a "x" next to it. I said, there's no third party in the world who would see that list and interpret it that way. They changed it (illegally) by rewriting the note. Medical notes, if in error, and supposed to be changed either by striking through and initialing, or adding addenda. Deleting a note is falsifying the medical record.

If I were a mean guy, I could file a Qui Tam lawsuit and make millions, as I have found falsifications in other notes.