Alex Wheeler
Well-Known Member
I hunt with them just like I tune them. I shoot 3 shot to fouls then shoot a handful of groups, then clean them. They are tuned to shoot that way so thats how I hunt with them.
X2!! I will clean after every testing round (usually 35-50 rnds)without fail and to the point of nothing green or discolored on the patches. Then I run a rem oil jag patch through it and then a dry jag patch. I never hunt with a clean bore. I'll sight in the rifles before hunting season then not touch them until the season is over. I can't store a dirty gun.This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, but I always leave the barrel fouled before hunting.
In Virginia Beach, I shark fished with a fellow that told me a thing or two about shooting and cleaning. He said that I need to choose what I want the rifle to do, Kill game or punch paper. I told him I was a hunter and I couldn't eat paper. He told me to have 50 rounds ready. Clean the rifle really well. Not make it copper free. Take the rifle and ONE round to the range, set up at 100 yds, and make the best shot I possibly could. Do not mess with scope zero. Save the target and put notes on it, weather conditions, etc. Sometime within the next week go out again with ONE round and at 100 yds make the best shot I could etc etc etc. After 10 outings like this, I will prove whether or not my rifle likes a clean bore. If all your targets have the bullet hole within an inch of each other laying the targets on top of one another then it likes a clean bore. If these 10 shots shoot otherwise then don't clean the rifle after shot #10, Repeat your process but now run a single dry brush and a dry patch through the bore after each shot. ONE only per day. Notes on the targets again, Do not mess with the scope. Overlay the targets and see how the holes line up etc etc. I found that all my rifles liked being fouled and since the first shot is what counted for me I didn't care about what a 5 shot group would do. I never cleaned down to bare metal and did use a borescope to check for carbon. The dreaded Carbon ring is bad.i talk to target shooters they say whenever they notice their groups growing
I also hear after every time they go out shooting
And the old timers that tought me to hunt said never go to the woods with a clean barrel. What do you do
If it has copper remaining, it is nowhere near clean.Clean the rifle really well. Not make it copper free.
I clean mine after every outing. I store guns clean & fire a fouling shot or two before actually using.i talk to target shooters they say whenever they notice their groups growing
I also hear after every time they go out shooting
And the old timers that tought me to hunt said never go to the woods with a clean barrel. What do you do
When I go out hunting, my rifle MUST fire every time. No exceptions, no excuses. You never know what you will run into out there. That said, I start out from the same place every time. Fullt cleaned rifle, very lightly oiled barrel. This eliminates any chance of corrosion or problem being carried into the field. Just cant/won't accept anything I could have prevented with a little TLC.i talk to target shooters they say whenever they notice their groups growing
I also hear after every time they go out shooting
And the old timers that tought me to hunt said never go to the woods with a clean barrel. What do you do
I resemble that remark! memtb...not many shoot a big game rifle enough times in any season to worry about cleaning that often, a few shots off the bench, a few in the good for years at that rate..