How often do you bump the shoulder back?

I am not trying to "stir the pot" at all, just sharing a very recent incident. I always use a Redding body die and Lee collet neck size my 6AI cases but the last time I decided to chamber a couple of fired cases to see how tight they were. They chambered just fine, firm but not hard at all. So i neck sized them and loaded my normal load.

I will not be doing that again. Doubled the group size!
ASAP I body sized them and the groups went back to normal.

Wallah, you have broken the code. There is a reason most LR shooters and BR competitors (90+%) FL size every time. I will admit they do not follow the mftrs instructions to take the die all the way to the press bottom. This only ensures that the round will fit in EVERY gun albeit poorly.

The key is dies that only minimally size the body (.001) and just bump the shoulder. IF your die will do that, then your brass is uniform every time and you do not have to download to be able to say (NS only works for me) or have a one of a kind non LR hunting case downloaded.

IMO custom dies or a JLC converted body die honed to your specs are the perfect solution. You can load to max SAAMI and not worry about anything. The round will chamber every time and give as long or longer brass life as the downloaded NS only route.
Yes I agree .
I PFLS properly for every cartridge I shoot every time. So I decided to skip ONCE, but never again. Lesson learned.
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