How many guys single feed?

Curious, because I have always single fed my 338 edge and rums because I seated the bigger bullets out so far. Became a habit and now I catch myself doing it with my rounds that will feed.
For the last year, single feed: right hand bolt with left hand port. Love it! Bench or mobile table. Prone is now gone for me! Too much info?
Curious, because I have always single fed my 338 edge and rums because I seated the bigger bullets out so far. Became a habit and now I catch myself doing it with my rounds that will feed.
I always single feed. Started with my Ruger #1 and it became a habit. Gives the barrel a few seconds to cool and me time to think about why I pulled the shot and regroup!
Single feed bolt gun at range and hunting. If I'm hunting in bear country, I carry a pistol with cast bullets along with spray. I do have a couple AR rifles that I will load mag up when at range shooting steel.
At the range I will single feed when experimenting with new loads or COAL. but in the field I load at least 3 rounds in the gun. I have been in a situation where my single shot 45-70 was needed more than one shot. I nearly got to be bear food while Elk hunting. in retrospect I might have brought along a better second rifle than my 1885 Browning.
You are right, it is likely if a bear comes after me, I very well may not even get one round off, hopefully if it was on top of me I could get to my chest holster .44 mag revolver because that would be my only hope if I was alone. But the majority of the times I am with a partner, and the main aspect of the plans we always make if a bear attacks is for whatever partner is not being attacked to put rounds on the bear, and if a bear attacks my partner, I don't want their life to depend on one round, a big bear on the attack may need more than one round to stop. I know that if there was a bear messing me up, I would want my hunting partner to have more than just one round in the chamber, and a few in their pocket that they would have to scramble to try to find under a very stressful situation if the first one didn't do it. I don't like to go into a situation where there may be a fight for life with a limited arsenal, While on duty I would certainly prefer my Glock over a 6 shot .38 revolver. We are issued a double mag pouch, I purchased my own triple pouch so I had one more mag. As a backup, I have another compact Glock that can use our same duty mags. I prefer my AR-15 over my Glock whenever practical. It is different circumstances, but I still feel they somewhat relate. Just different mentalities though, nothing wrong with that.
Better carry a larger caliber than a 38. That would only work well by putting the barrel in your mouth and pulling the trigger. That way you wouldn't feel any pain. 44 cal and larger, and a short barrel. No long barrels like 8" hard to carry and slow to drawn. You really think about it when hunting with a Bow. I carry a 500 S.W. in 4" with 350 grain copper plated Berry bullets blutnose, No hollow points. The animal huggers have really gotten things out of hand

Curious, because I have always single fed my 338 edge and rums because I seated the bigger bullets out so far. Became a habit and now I catch myself doing it with my rounds that will feed.
I don't have anything that I have to single feed but honestly I wouldn't have a huge problem with it, depending on what you are hunting. A short action precision 2 round holder would greatly help in that situation. Only one time that I had to make an instantaneous follow up shot, and probably really didn't have to make it as fast as I thought I did. I do like for all of mine to magazine feed but in reality, if I find myself constantly having to make follow up shots on game, then I'm not doing something right and I need to fix it. Whether it be, accuracy, judgment of wind, or correct cartridge for application, etc... There something I need to fix if I find myself having to make follow up shots often.
The majority I know pack rifle,because tough terrain.Hard to have extra gear.Bow hunt,or riding in on pony,pack in case thrown off,then you bear bait.NWMT area of MT has largest and highest density in state.
In Montana the Fish and Game are transporting the Giz's around the state and dropping them off in all areas. The bears have learn that a rifle shot is a dinner bell for them. There isn't much we can do about it either.
They are trying to vote in wolves in Colorado, maybe we can send them some nice friendly bears too.

Curious, because I have always single fed my 338 edge and rums because I seated the bigger bullets out so far. Became a habit and now I catch myself doing it with my rounds that will feed.

I do believe in one shot kills, but that doesn't always happen. Digging for a second round to shoot. The lost of time could be a quite a bit. I also noted that rounds in the magazine move around and the tip can get dented making for a not so perfect round.
I kind of wonder when building a rifle you aren't going to a long action instead of a short action. I ran into not having enough length in the magazine in one of the rifles I was developing a load for. All were 98 actions, but one was different for whatever reason.
I would think that knowing that problem, you would get a longer action that would have a longer magazine to start with just to solve that problem. Especially with heavier bullets that are longer and reaching to the lands.

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