How "long" is "long range"

What is long range?

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Re: How "long" is "long range"

I'm well over 60 and enjoy tactical style target shooting to over 2000 yards but I don't shoot anything which is alive. I participate in this group for the long range shooting information, not the hunting aspects. My interest is in improving first shot accuracy at random distances and any conditions including the instrumentation and ballistics calculations to accomplish it. It's just a hobby.


I try to avoid some words that have become commonplace in our sport. Tactical, assault, military and weapon come to mind right away. Those words are synonymous with the media when it comes to describing criminal or mercenary type operations and the public, especially the misinformed ones gravitate to those words and to them, those words relate to not what we enjoy, but what they want eliminated.

I consciously try not to use those words in public or when talking about what I enjoy doing.

You have a whole segment of the public at large that would like nothing better than to take our tools from us. A gun is a tool to me, just like a socket wrench..... Just a bit more expensive....:)
Re: How "long" is "long range"

I think that Long Range is relative to the shooter. I have seen some shooters that anything past the muzzle is long range. Then I have seen some that have no trouble with 700 or more yards. My personal long range starts at about 600 yards or so. Just my $0.02
Re: How "long" is "long range"

I think that Long Range is relative to the shooter. I have seen some shooters that anything past the muzzle is long range. Then I have seen some that have no trouble with 700 or more yards. My personal long range starts at about 600 yards or so. Just my $0.02

It's ok for each person to have an opinion on what distance is "long range". Long range in wooded terrain is very different from shooting in western deserts. Shooting game is very different from shooting targets. Shooting with complex instrumentation is very different from shooting by estimation and holdovers. Shooting groups with sighters is very different from cold barrel first shots. callling any of those "long range" is ok.

The problem is when someone asks advice on what cartridge is best for "long range" or wants advice on scopes, reticles, ballistics calculators, or rangefinders for use at "long range" the questions (and many answeres) becomes meaninless unless the approximate distances and some information about the environment are given.
Re: How "long" is "long range"

long as it pertains to shooting at game, is as long as we can see bullet hits and know whats going on. that can vary from day to day and location to location. that being within the limits of the cartridge of coarse.

its imperative to not only have the right equiptment and ability, but also a spotter with good optics watching whats going on. when he says i didnt see it, its time to fold it up and quit.
a good shooter with a good gun isnt enough on the longer shots.[/QUOT And that is your OP. Hunting in general is a solitary sport.There is only ONE PERSON pulling the trigger. So for someone to see the shot? What about the whitetail that burst out and the hunter shoots on the fly at 50 yrds, done every year, buy hoards.What about spotting your own shots, myth? I have friends that post under 3''@ 1000, they need a spotter, as if someone needs one @ 100 yrds.I hunt w/ lots of friends, but I have done 98% of my success alone and a spotter did not make the animals any more dead. What happens when the spotter DOESNT spot? Happens all the time, recoil reflex,looking at wrong animal, blink , snezzed?Beware of the one man with one gun
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