How come no forum for moose hunting?

Moose hunting, is usually at fairly close range in and near bogs, lakes, rivers,Ponds, willow alder swamps.

They are much like buffalo, in that it doesn't take a lot to kill them....BUT....they can absorb a lot of abuse and run/walk/trot/shuffle out into the deepest body of water available...usually in Sept/Oct/Nov...which results in one or several lucky individuals having to wade/swim/sink...their way out to said animal with rope and hopefully you know someone with a tree skidder that has a fair bit cable on his winch drum and chainsaw or two and that you are in an area where you can legally cut a path in, atv's can substitute ....Shoot it late in the day and you either work all night to field dress and quarter it and begin to haul it out, works out to about 7-8 loads for a fairly healthy adult (have hunted in no vehicle zones) or field dress and spend the night, prepared to shoot wolves and possibly bears who may come in with intent to negotiate ownership of your kill.

I went heavy for moose after having to wade/swim/keep from sinking while doing it, to get a rope on a moose so we could winch it back to shore with a tree skidder, that was staged earlier, the owner made a few hundred bucks every year getting moose out of the pine bog...a lot of it almost bottomless...walk and watch the terrain ahead of you wiggle and jiggle....375 H&H 270 TSXFB 2700 fps +- a .416 Rigby 400 partition 2400 fps+- and the lowly 45-70 Win 300 partition 2300 fps+- and all shoulder shots to anchor it and allow follow seems like every heart/lung shots has resulted in one or more of us becoming wet and cold...Northern Canada Skinny dipping...otherwise known as moose season

Max range I have shot was 300 yards, from one river bank to the other and then canoe across...1 st year I went exclusively to shoulder shots to anchor...otherwise it was thru calling and rattling and really really close....all ground blinds or hunt and stalk

Moose hunting thru a guide service is not cheap, depending on region and country it's a requirement and prices can run 4000 - 30000 usd...
There's also a lot of areas where they can be hunted and killed on dry uplands. Just depends where you choose to hunt them.
Where do you go for moose hunting? I am thinking of hunting moose next year. will be coming from MN. I would appreciate all help I can get - where to go, where to stay, etc. Thank you!

I moose hunt in northern Ontario. We own 2 camps in an extremely small town, population is 7. And we also have an a-frame that the old boys built 2 hours down river, past 3 sets of rapids.
Then sometimes you get lucky. Less than an hour from my house, 150 yards off the road, one shot down and done with my 280AI and 145 grain LRX. 5 minute quad pull to the road, backed up the truck and loaded him whole. 40 bucks in gas and $250 to my butcher buddy. Moose meat for the winter.
Funny you should mention finding one close to home.....Good friend went up to the Peace River area in Alberta Canada to moose hunt.

I was dropping in on his farm to check on things and in the corral with the cows was a huge bull moose 50 inch or better spread licking up minerals out of the trough, while cows gave him the hairy eyeball:eek:... it spent most of the winter there...even tried to follow the cows into the milking parlor....DNR...tried to shoo him away and he came back...they eventually darted and transported him to another area...I laughed long and hard....:D family and friends stage on his property to hunt moose in the nearby public lands every few years...he wanted a real big trophy and said the moose nearby were 20-40 inch spreads...
I would love to talk about how I hunted my trophy Moose from Montana , but it takes 150 years of points to draw a tag ..
Lol and with all the Wolves eating them as fast as the reproduce ..well I'm almost guaranteed not to have a Wonderful campfire story to tell !!
Just my Sunday morning 2 cents !! Ha ha
I to long for a good Moose hunt, hopefully sooner would be better , my 338 w/mag was made for this Great eating critter ,Please pass them spuds n gravy, oh & Guys and Gals cull them Wolfs & varmits where you can thks. Yes it needs it own forum Agreed !!!!
Ruby76....Been there many times....have to go get a cup of cocoa and sit back and reflect on good times....
trouble with long range hunting of moose is how far from the truck the moose is and how big they are.
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