Hornady Superformance

I have heard that although there is a significant increase in velocity, it does not necessarily parlay into better accuracy than current match ammo.
Superperformance powder will be available to handloaders in 2011, through Hodgdon .
Superperformance powder will be available to handloaders in 2011, through Hodgdon .

I herd that hornady takes some H-1000 & Retumbo and mixes the two. Then they take and shake it together in a machine similar to the one at lowe's that mixes paint :D LOL

Alliant Power Pro LR4000 is available now and does the same thing. Velocities in the Alliant manual run right with RL17 and it is also a ball powder like the Hogdon stuff. There are several different burn rates. I think they are designated 2000, 3000, and 4000 series.

The 4000 has approx the same charge weights as RL19 according to the Alliant website.
I took a few boxes of .270 130 SST Superformance to the range today and shot at 300yrds. I sold my LRH rifle to pay bills a few weeks ago ( been laid off since Mar 1) so I just used my LH Sav 111 with a 3-9x40 Nikon Nikoplex(duplex).

I began with Cabela's bulk HSM 130 BTSP ammo as that's what I used for the last two yrs. Then after I had the rifle fine tuned to the 300 yrd target I switched to the Superformance to see how much difference there might be. With the HSM I was getting some 1.5- 2.5" groups that widened as I shot, but that was prob just me.

The Superformance never gave me a group smaller than 3 inches and although I could make the first shot of each group hit the bull it seemed like subsequent shots fell lower and lower. In fact I shot enough groups that the groups started to look the same with the first two shots close together and the last two shots 1.5 inches lower( or more).

Kinda weird. Not sure if I like the stuff( yet ).
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