Hornady Custom Comp 7mm-08 Die issue. What do you think is going on here?

My imperial wax just showed up today so I will give it a try tonight. They don't give that stuff away, but if it works great.

How are you all lubricating the inside of neck. Just put a little on a Q-Tip and run that inside the case neck?
I spray my cases with lanolin/alcohol mix that I made up. Cases are dumped on large cookie sheets and sprayed from all four sides. Not a ton of spray but some gets inside the case neck and it always works. Lube works it's way all around the case and the alcohol evaporates quickly. Works perfect. Works a lot better than Hornady spray and is much less expensive. Made a quart a few years ago and still have over half left.
My imperial wax just showed up today so I will give it a try tonight. They don't give that stuff away, but if it works great.

How are you all lubricating the inside of neck. Just put a little on a Q-Tip and run that inside the case neck?

I do use a Q-tip with just a tiny dab of lube . you don't need much , just make the inside of the neck look wet . the only down side to lubing inside the neck is , it catches the powder when pouring the powder into the case . just be aware of this so all the powder goes in the case .
Graphite or the Redding dry lube case neck with the ceramic balls. I think it is just graphite any way.
Use a dry lube so the powder dies not stick with a viscous lube.
I am not a competitive shooter and have mostly standard diesets in different brands.
The comment below makes sense.
I polish my expanders to a high mirror sheen. I never run expanders without graphite powder INSIDE the necks. I use calibre specific nylon brushes and dip the brush in the graphite, tap off the excess and run a few passes into each neck prior to sizing.
I DO NOT remove this graphite, it stays there during charging and bullet seating. Have not had ANY bullet welding issues since I started doing this. My neck tension is far more consistent and it has lowered my ES/SD with little effort on tuning.

I have never used any lubrication on an expander or the inside of a neck. I do chamfer and deburr as part of the normal process. When I bought these the local shop didn't have any RSBS in stock which is what I normally get.

I will see if I can order some imperial wax today and see how that goes.

Thank you
I always lube the first case neck and every tenth! Just me
I have never used any lubrication on an expander or the inside of a neck. I do chamfer and deburr as part of the normal process. When I bought these the local shop didn't have any RSBS in stock which is what I normally get.

I will see if I can order some imperial wax today and see how that goes.

Thank you

I strongly suggest using a lube on the inside of the case neck. I have used both RCBS lube, One Shot and also a graphite dry lube Imperial (?) maybe. Also read on here where one guy is using STP oil treatment on his cases, said he's been using it for years??? Don't know about that, but it sounds reasonable. I also use a nylon case neck brush to apply the lube both the gel as well as the dry lube. The brush also cleans the inside of the case necks.

Thank you for all the input. I tried 50 rounds of new brass over the weekend with the Imperial wax on the inside of the case neck and it work without any issues.

I think I will need to refine that process just a little over time as when I was seating the bullets there wasn't always a consistant amount of neck tension when running it through the press. I would attribitue that to me using a little too much lube in some cases.

I appreicate everyone resoponding and providing direction and opinions on what they find helpful.
I strongly suggest using a lube on the inside of the case neck. I have used both RCBS lube, One Shot and also a graphite dry lube Imperial (?) maybe. Also read on here where one guy is using STP oil treatment on his cases, said he's been using it for years??? Don't know about that, but it sounds reasonable. I also use a nylon case neck brush to apply the lube both the gel as well as the dry lube. The brush also cleans the inside of the case necks.
Imperial dry graphite is super inside necks, nylon brush in case neck to leave a carbon coating for uniform seating. STP will do a good job cleaning outside of cases with 4/0 steelwool, I like imperial sizing wax for any body sizing. Sounds like OP has gotten some Imperial and things are going well.
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