Hogs - No longer Nocturnal !?!

To all who live where hogs are abundant, please send some to AZ!! I read articles saying things like "if you dont have them you will" "coming soon to your state. They have them in CA but I would never hunt in CA because I am used to hunting AZ where you can have your rifle and ammo in same vehicle while hunting and your can carry a sidearm while bowhunting. In CA them there are felonies. AZ bowhunters pride themselves on taking deer with the bow carrying a sidearm is for protection against many dangerous and even armed bad living things. Sorry, got off topic, we could use some real pigs to hunt as javelina taste like they smell, so we could use some porkers here. Thanks
careful what you wish for.

think it has to do with crops/soil/water. Hogs do well in farmland. They are rooters. Not so good in dry arid rocky soils.
Plant a bunch of corn and they will come.
careful what you wish for.

think it has to do with crops/soil/water. Hogs do well in farmland. They are rooters. Not so good in dry arid rocky soils.
Plant a bunch of corn and they will come.
Actually....hogs can live just about anywhere.....from crop and farm land to rocky dry mountainous terrain; Texas is a perfect example. Texas has just about every type of environment you can imagine from the East Texas piney woods to the dry desert mountains of West Texas. From the Gulf Coast to the Llano Estacado and up into the panhandle.......hogs are everywhere. Hogs can thrive anywhere. And believe me....once they move into an area they will pretty much take over.
There must be some unsuitable areas with limiting factors for them, otherwise they would be everywhere, after hundreds of years in North America and millions of years in Eurasia. I suppose there must be some pockets of suitable habitat between west Texas and southern California to support small populations.
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